The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

The Episcopal Church and Proposed Budget Reductions

July 15, 2009

The Program, Budget and Finance (PB&F) Committee of The Episcopal Church today presented a budget to the General Convention that proposes a $23 million reduction in the 2010-2012 triennial. “This […]

Abagail Nelson’'s Sermon at the July 14 Eucharist

July 14, 2009

The following is the sermon by Abagail Nelson, senior vice president of programs, of Episcopal Relief & Development, presented at the Tuesday, July 14 Eucharist at the Episcopal Church”s 76th […]

The Episcopal Church Recommits To The Anglican Communion And Affirms Transparency In Its Ordination Processes

July 14, 2009

The House of Bishops and the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church today completed passage of a revised Resolution D025, Commitment and Witness to the Anglican Communion, at the […]

Cowart’s Sermon at the July 13 Eucharist

July 13, 2009

The following is the sermon by Dr. Courtney Cowart, Director of Advocacy and Community Affairs, Office of Disaster Response and Episcopal Community Services of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, presented […]

Presiding Bishop’s Sermon at the Sunday Eucharist and Triennial Ingathering of the United Thank Offering

July 12, 2009

People get ready for General Convention in different ways. I didn”t notice any of the staff go on retreat, but two of them did drive a truck filled with electronics […]

Jenny Te Paa addresses House of Deputies at the Episcopal Church General Convention

July 12, 2009

The following is the address presented by Jenny Te Paa, dean of Te Rau Kahikatea (College of St. John the Evangelist) in Auckland, New Zealand, on July 11 to the […]

PBS’s Ray Suarez July 11 Sermon at the Episcopal Church General Convention

July 11, 2009

The following is the sermon preached by Ray Suarez, senior correspondent for PBS”s NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and formerly of NPR”s Talk of the Nation, on July 11 during Eucharist […]

President of the House of Deputies July 10 Sermon

July 10, 2009

The following is the sermon preached by Episcopal Church President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson on July 10 during Eucharist at the Church”s 76th General Convention. (Video will […]

Archbishop of Canterbury’'s Meditation

July 9, 2009

Meditation One thing you learn very quickly as Archbishop of Canterbury is that everything you say is scrutinised and interpreted and picked over for hidden meanings and agendas. Something tells […]

Presiding Bishop’s Opening Sermon

July 8, 2009

  Four and one-half years ago, I had the great privilege to join in the consecration of a new bishop, one who told an amazing story about the journey that […]

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