The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

Deadline nears for scholarship applications from The Episcopal Church

September 28, 2010

The October 15 deadline nears for applications for the Fall awarding of more than 60 scholarships from The Episcopal Church. Specific scholarships are available for ethnic communities along with other […]

House of Bishop recommits to MDGs

September 21, 2010

The House of Bishop of The Episcopal Church, meeting in Phoenix, AZ, approved the following resolution: Mind of the House Resolution: Renewed Commitment to the Millennium Development Goals Resolved, that […]

House of Bishops commits to The Haiti Appeal

September 21, 2010

The House of Bishop of The Episcopal Church, meeting in Phoenix, AZ, approved the following resolution: Mind of the House Resolution: Appeal for the Rebuilding of The Episcopal Church of […]

House of Bishops to Charles Bennison: “We exhort Charles, our brother in Christ, in the strongest possible terms, to tender his immediate and unconditional resignation as the Bishop of the Diocese of

September 21, 2010

The House of Bishop of The Episcopal Church, meeting in Phoenix, AZ, approved the following resolution: Grace to you and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord. As the bishops of […]

House of Bishops issues Pastoral Letter along with a Theological Resource: The Nation and the Common Good: Reflections on Immigration Reform”

September 21, 2010

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church, meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, has issued the following Pastoral Letter and Theological Reflection: “The Nation and the Common Good: Reflections on Immigration […]

House of Bishops Daily Account for Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

The House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church is meeting in Phoenix, AZ (Diocese of AZ) from September 16 to September 21. The following is an account of the activities […]

Presiding Bishop appoints Special Coordinators for Haiti to facilitate churchwide efforts to rebuild Diocese

September 20, 2010

The Rev. Joseph Murrenz Constant and the Rev. Dr. Rosemari Gaughan Sullivan have been appointed by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as Special Coordinators for Haiti. The task […]

Bishop Nathan Baxter to St. Paul’s Sudanese Congregation in Phoenix: “You are part of God’s Emerging Church in America”

September 19, 2010

“You are part of God”s Emerging Church in America,” Bishop Nathan D. Baxter of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania told the St. Paul”s Sudanese Congregation in Phoenix, AZ on the […]

Obispo Leo Frade: EL ACENTO DE JESúS

September 19, 2010

Yo no se si ustedes aquí en Arizona ya se habrán enterado de que se puede probar por la misma Biblia que sin a lugar a dudas nuestro Señor Jesucristo […]

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori at Phoenix Cathedral: “The values and skills required for excellence in the ways of the world are somewhat different than those needed for excellence in the

September 19, 2010

“The values and skills required for excellence in the ways of the world are somewhat different than those needed for excellence in the ways of heaven,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop […]

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