The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

Episcopal Presiding Bishop on the earthquake in Japan

March 11, 2011

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori offers the following concerning the devastating earthquake in Japan: The Episcopal Church is praying for the people of Japan, particularly Bishop John Kato, […]

Salt Lake City selected as site of 2015 Episcopal Church General Convention

March 10, 2011

Note: The following is another in an ongoing series discussing the governance of the Episcopal Church. This information contains Episcopal Church lingo and terms; check the websites listed at the […]

Episcopal Presiding Bishop in Haiti on Ash Wednesday: We stand at the beginning of Lent, reminded that we are dust and that we shall return to dust at the last.

March 10, 2011

Theological educational grants awarded for Episcopalians, Anglicans in Caribbean, Latin America

March 9, 2011

Office of Communication to live webcast churchwide consultation of Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music

March 8, 2011

The Episcopal Church Office of Communication will live webcast all the plenary sessions of the March 18 and 19 churchwide consultation by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM). […]

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop’s Message for Lent: “Are you traveling light on the earth?”

March 7, 2011

Noting that the season of Lent has traditionally been in “solidarity with those to be baptized,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori offers an invitation to deepen our Christian […]

Episcopal Church offers Lenten resources, meditations

March 7, 2011

Resources, meditations and study guides to provide a means to experience a reflective Lenten season are available from the Episcopal Church at Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, this year […]

Episcopal Church House of Deputies President Anderson offers commentary on Church governance and change

March 4, 2011

Change is in the water. Our society is changing demographically and economically, the size and resource base of our church is changing and the world is changing through climate change, […]

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop's office notifies Diocese of Northern Michigan of successful canonical consent process

March 2, 2011

The Governance of The Episcopal Church: This information is another in an ongoing series discussing the governance of The Episcopal Church. The Office of Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts […]

Episcopal healthy congregational practices second video features Trinity Cathedral, Phoenix, AZ

March 1, 2011

Changing with the neighborhood and addressing the needs of the community are the hallmarks for healthy congregational practices at Episcopal Trinity Cathedral, Phoenix, AZ (Diocese of Arizona). “In many ways, […]

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