The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

Episcopal Church Office of Communication presents White Paper on marketing for churches

March 6, 2013

The Episcopal Church Office of Communication, in collaboration with  The Living Church Foundation, has issued a White Paper to guide congregations and to assist them in marketing and advertising efforts […]

Presiding Bishop has visited all dioceses in The Episcopal Church

March 5, 2013

With the recently completed visit to the Diocese of Central Florida, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has visited all 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Episcopal Church. “The […]

Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music offers commentary on Holy Week liturgies

March 4, 2013

The Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) is offering a commentary on some of the lectionary texts for Holy Week (March 24-31). This commentary will focus on […]

House of Deputies President, Vice President issue letter

March 1, 2013

Episcopal Church House of Deputies President the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings and Vice President the Hon. Byron Rushing have issued the following letter to deputies on gun violence. February 28, […]

Episcopal Church House of Bishops to gather in retreat for prayer, reflection, discussion

February 28, 2013

Bishops of The Episcopal Church will gather for the House of Bishops spring retreat meeting March 8 – 12 at Kanuga Conference Center in NC. The theme of the gathering […]

Report issued at Executive Council on Church Center location

February 27, 2013

Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer Bishop Stacy Sauls, in consultation with the Executive Oversight Committee, presented its report, Locating the Episcopal Church Center For Missional Strategy, to the Executive Council […]

EYE14 dates, location announced

February 26, 2013

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori announced that the popular Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) will be held July 9-13, 2014 in the Philadelphia area in partnership with the Diocese of Pennsylvania. […]

General Convention 2015 dates announced: June 25 – July 3 in Salt Lake City

February 26, 2013

Following a decision by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements, the General Convention Office (GCO) has announced the dates for the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church […]

Vervynck named to Executive Council

February 25, 2013

Deacon Jenny Vervynck of the Diocese of San Diego has been named the Province 8 clergy representative on the Episcopal Church Executive Council. The announcement was made during the opening […]

Resources posted, space still available for March 6 online forum: Human Trafficking: A Churchwide Conversation

February 25, 2013

Space is still available for Human Trafficking: A Churchwide Conversation, hosted by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on Wednesday, March 6 to explore the church’s work in Human […]

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