The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

New Episcopal Church video features Church of the Apostles, Seattle

March 28, 2013

It’s innovative.  It’s young.  It’s an Episcopal and Lutheran congregation, truly living into Called to Common Mission.  It’s the Church of the Apostles in Seattle, WA (Diocese of Olympia), […]

New DFMS staff model, new tenant announced

March 27, 2013

PB Joint Nominating Committee addresses tasks, hears insights

March 22, 2013

The Joint Nominating Committee for the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) kicked off its work on March 18-20 with a conversation with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and a mapping of the […]

Episcopal Church focuses on gun violence March 25 In Stations of the Cross in Washington DC

March 21, 2013

On Monday, March 25 at 10:30 am Eastern, more than 20 Episcopal bishops from throughout the church will lead hundreds of clergy and lay people in praying the Stations of […]

Episcopal Church Economic Justice Committee invests in Bank of Palestine

March 21, 2013

As approved by the Episcopal Church Economic Justice Loan Committee (EJLC) of the Executive Council and as part of its economic justice portfolio, The Episcopal Church recently purchased a three-year […]

Episcopal Church Asiamerica Ministry to celebrate 40th anniversary

March 20, 2013

The Episcopal Church Asiamerica Ministry will celebrate its 40th anniversary June 20-24 in San Francisco CA.  Focusing on the theme “EAM@40: Remember, Celebrate and Re-Envision Our Mission,” the conference will […]

Holy Week, Easter worship available on Episcopal Church website

March 19, 2013

The Office of Communication will present worship offerings every day of Holy Week. The offerings will be available on a special page of the Episcopal Church website here Palm […]

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop’s Easter Message 2013

March 19, 2013

[1] From the Exsultet, Book of Common Prayer  pp 286-7 [2] http://

A letter from Bishop Frade about Quran-burning

March 19, 2013

How can anyone think that an act of hate and religious fanaticism—the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001–can somehow be redeemed by an act of intolerance and religious stupidity? I […]

House of Bishops writes to Charles Bennison

March 19, 2013

“We exhort Charles, our brother in Christ, in the strongest possible terms, to tender his immediate and unconditional resignation as the Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania.” September 21, 2010 […]

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