Frank Tracy Griswold III

The 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

Frank T. Griswold

Bishop Griswold addresses General Convention

June 12, 2006

My dear brothers and sisters. For a long time we have anticipated this moment and great numbers have people have worked very hard to prepare the way. To the Diocese […]

Defining God’s perspective

May 1, 2006

‘Let justice roll down like waters’ Being persons of justice “…the just man justices Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; Acts in God’s eye what in God’s eye […]

Holy Land: A call to action from the Presiding Bishop

April 12, 2006

Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold has issued a Call to Action in response to the "impending humanitarian tragedy [which is] unfolding … throughout the Holy Land," in which he asks members […]

Keeping the feast

April 1, 2006

“Let him Easter in us, be a dayspring to the dimness of us…” These words from a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins make a profound connection between Christ’s resurrection and […]

A Statement from the Presiding Bishop: The third anniversary of the Iraq invasion approaches

March 16, 2006

On the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, I am deeply grieved at the ongoing tragedy and the continuing loss of life. My prayers are with the men […]

One day at a time

March 1, 2006

A contemporary monk was asked by a group of retreatants who had come to his monastery what recommendations he could make for the observance of Lent. He replied, “To live […]

Cuba: Presiding Bishop’s sermon affirms reconciliation

February 26, 2006

The importance of World Mission Sunday — observed February 26 across the Episcopal Church — was underscored as Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold preached in Havana, calling for reconciliation between the […]

Presiding Bishop’s statement on the life and witness of Coretta Scott King

February 1, 2006

On behalf of the Episcopal Church, let me express my sense that with the death of Coretta Scott King our nation has lost a tireless witness for racial equality and […]

Voicing our darkest pain

February 1, 2006

On the eve of the Epiphany, I traveled to Orlando, Fla., to take part in a gathering titled Weathering the Storms, which had been designed for bishops, diocesan staff, clergy […]

Following the star

January 1, 2006

Shortly after my wife and I were married, I bought a crèche set for us to display during the Christmas season. As I unwrapped each piece, I carefully examined the […]

227 records
