Frank Tracy Griswold III

The 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

Frank T. Griswold

Being formed by the hope that is in us: A challenge for the new year

January 9, 2003

January 9 , 2003 I write these words in the early days of December, as I look ahead to Christmas and the beginning of the new year. What we shall […]

Making room for the unexpected: The deep yearning of the Advent season

December 2, 2002

Advent is a season of powerlessness in which we are invited to set aside the various ways we seek to reassure ourselves that we are in control of our lives […]

Rejoice: we are God's vehicles

November 19, 2002

Jesus’ birth is God’s declaration that embodiment is the way of divine dealing with our disordered and darkened world. Through this divine act of incarnation, Jesus became an actor in […]

A place of hope: Standing in the diverse center

October 29, 2002

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold."€ At the conclusion of a recent meeting of the House of Bishops in Cleveland, Ohio, these haunting words from W. B. Yeats'€™s poem […]

A letter from the House of Bishops to Congress

October 2, 2002

October 2, 2002 Dear Members of Congress: The following is a letter written to you from the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church on October 1 during our fall […]

Sermon preached at Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio during the gathering of bishops and spouses of the Episcopal Church

September 29, 2002

The chief priests and the elders approach Jesus. They are outraged. Their power to control, dominate and decree the very will of the Most High has been overridden by one […]

A letter to Dr. Condoleezza Rice regarding US refugee program

September 25, 2002

Dr. Condoleezza Rice Assistant to the President for National Security President of the United StatesThe White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20504 Dear Dr. Rice: Thank you for meeting […]

A Timeless Vision: Moving beyond self-preoccupation

September 18, 2002

Near the end of World War II a German Jesuit, Father Alfred Delp, was imprisoned for envisioning a new social order for Germany. His vision was grounded in the principles […]

A letter from the Presiding Bishop regarding a day of prayer for people with HIV/AIDS

September 13, 2002

Dear Friends in Christ, More than twenty years ago we proclaimed that “Our Church Has AIDS” in recognition of the reality that when any part of the Body of Christ […]

'A super power…must exercise the role of super servant': The Presiding Bishop's statement on military action against Iraq

September 6, 2002

Our nation is now engaged in a debate about the wisdom of military action designed to remove Saddam Hussein from power. The choices made now will set in motion events […]

227 records
