Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

Episcopal Church Statement on the White House Conference on Hunger

September 28, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a startling reality in the United States: far too many families face food insecurity on a regular basis. Faith communities play a vital role in confronting […]

Summary of Episcopal Church Policy on Immigration and Refugee Issues

September 7, 2022

Immigration Policy  Refugees and Global Migration 

Environmental Advocacy Resources

August 12, 2022

August recess presents a good opportunity to reach out to your Congressional members and see if you can arrange an in-district visit. You can also continue to email or call […]

The Office of Government Relations Response to the Inflation Reduction Act

August 5, 2022

The Senate is considering the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that will address several urgent challenges our country faces. This legislation represents a landmark opportunity to set the United States […]

Statement on Biden Administration Climate Executive Action  

July 21, 2022

President Biden recently announced executive actions on climate and indicated there would be more to come. The Episcopal Church has long been committed to stewardship of God’s creation, and the […]

General Convention Newsletter

July 7, 2022

Tomorrow, the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church begins. And while this time will be different, General Convention remains the governing body of the Church and the Church’s highest […]

EPPN Series on Deradicalization: Paths to Deradicalization

June 30, 2022

This is the third and final post in the EPPN Series on Deradicalization intended to highlight different models for supporting individuals as they depart from extremist groups or ideologies. Paths […]

Why Do We Advocate?

June 28, 2022

As a member of the Episcopal Public Policy Network, you are committed to a ministry of public policy advocacy. At times, this ministry can feel empowering and impactful, such as when […]

Resources to Respond to the Dobbs Decision 

June 24, 2022

See below for calls to action, statements, educational resources, and more. Since 1976, The Episcopal Church has maintained its “unequivocal opposition to any legislation on the part of the national […]

Support H.R.40/S.40 to Establish a Commission on Reparations

June 18, 2022

Below is a letter from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to Congress urging passage of H.R.40/S.40, known as the “Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act.” This […]

372 records

The Office of Government Relations