Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

MORE INFO: Questions and Answers about Major Issues in the Arab-Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

November 17, 2011

Note that this list is by no means intended as a comprehensive guide to issues surrounding the conflict. As we have addressed three major issues in recent weeks – the […]

MORE INFORMATION: Questions and Answers about a Shared Jerusalem

November 11, 2011

Why is a shared Jerusalem necessary for a just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace? Jerusalem is holy to each of the three Abrahamic faiths, and each has a long history of dwelling […]

Faith-Based Recommendations for US Participation in UN Climate Change Convention

November 7, 2011

Faith Based Recommendations for United States Participation in COP17 Ensuring a Global Commitment Beyond Kyoto As people and communities of faith, called to till and to tend – to protect […]

Presiding Bishop's Letter to the Senate on the International Affairs Budget

November 7, 2011

Dear Members of the United States Senate, As the presiding bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and The Episcopal Church, we write to lift up the shared […]

Tell Congress – Aid to Palestinians is Necessary for Peace

November 4, 2011

Last week, we began a series about Israeli-Palestinian peace with an alert discussing the necessity of negotiations toward a two-state solution. Today, we continue that series, addressing the issue of […]

MORE INFORMATION: Questions & Answers about U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians

November 4, 2011

WHAT KIND OF AID DOES THE U.S. PRESENTLY PROVIDE THE PALESTINIANS? Congress annually provides three pots of money to the Palestinian people: (1) $200 million in direct assistance to the […]

Native American Month and Advocacy today

November 1, 2011

When I give workshops, I stress that advocacy is a very broad term. It is often more than contacting our elected officials. Advocating for justice can mean educating yourself and […]

Tell The President – Peace In The Holy Land Must Be A Priority Now!

October 27, 2011

"On the holy mountain stands the city he has founded; Then Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Of Zion it shall be said, […]

MORE INFORMATION: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Middle East Peace Negotiations

October 26, 2011

WHY ARE NEGOTIATIONS NECESSARY? At present, Israel occupies the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and has since 1967. Nearly all Israelis and Palestinians agree, and […]

Support the Second Chance Act to invest in prisoner re-entry programs, EPPN urges

December 6, 2007

The Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) is calling on Episcopalians to contact their United States Senators and urge them to support the Second Chance Act of 2007 (Senate Bill 1060) when it comes to […]

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The Office of Government Relations