Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

EPPN Alert: Foreign Aid Should Support Local Agriculture Efforts

June 3, 2013

Migel's small plot of maize crop appeared infested with weeds; tall green plants disrupted the ordered rows of corn stalks. But Migel explained that the green legume, indigenous to Chiapas, […]

IAN: IIC Immigration Bill Analysis webinar – 4/19/13, 3:00PM EST

June 3, 2013

The Senate just released a comprehensive immigration bill. Compassionate immigration reform opponents will be making their voices heard loud and clear over the next few days, and it is imperative […]

EPPN Alert: Share the Presiding Bishop's call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform!

June 3, 2013

Last week, Senators Schumer (D-NY), Graham (R-SC), McCain (R-AZ), Flake (R-AZ), Durbin (D-IL), Rubio (R-FL), Menendez (D-NJ), and Bennet (D-CO) introduced S.744, the "Border Security, Economic Opportunity & Immigration Modernization […]

Immigration Action Newsletter April/May

June 3, 2013

Immigration Action Newsletter Senate CIR breakdown edition! What’s in the bill, what isn’t in the bill, and what happens next. Also, do not forget that Congress will be home this […]

EPPN Alert: The Immigration Debate Begins – Add Your Voice Now!

June 3, 2013

Last night, 301 amendments to the Senate immigration bill were filed by nearly every Senator on the Judiciary Committee, which will begin hearing amendments tomorrow at 9:30 am. As you […]

EPPN Alert: Protect Vital Refugee & Asylum Reforms

June 3, 2013

“A few years ago, government authorities in Turkmenistan persecuted a woman and her son because they had converted to Christianity. The son was tortured to death. The woman was twice […]

EPPN Alert: Demand Protections for All Families in S. 744

June 3, 2013

Family unity has long been a driver of immigration and a cornerstone of our immigration system. Despite this prioritization of family, however, lengthy backlogs, inadequate country caps, and preference categories […]

EPPN Alert: ACT TODAY for a Farm Bill that Feeds the Hungry

June 3, 2013

This week, the Senate considers a five-year Farm Bill that will have profound implications for hungry and malnourished people in the United States and around the world. Despite promising improvements […]

IAN: Immigration Bill Passes the Judiciary Committee 13-5!

June 3, 2013

Immigration Advocacy Newsletter After a debate that spanned two weeks and saw 212 amendments considered, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744) passed out of the […]

ONE Episcopalian: You are Invited to a Conference Call with Roger Thurow

June 3, 2013

ONE EPISCOPALIAN UPDATE The ONE Campaign has invited us to participate in an exciting conference call next Friday, June 7. The Last Hunger Season charts the course of a new […]

372 records

The Office of Government Relations