Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

EPPN Alert: What Should Immigration Reform Look Like? Tell your Representative Today

December 3, 2013

With only a few days left in the legislative calendar and House leadership stating that they will not address immigration reform this year, now is the time to contact your […]

EPPN Alert: Critical Nutrition Programs Need Your Help Now

November 18, 2013

You are in a position to accomplish powerful advocacy for critical nutrition programs right now. The Farm Bill, an omnibus bill that dictates funding for food, farm, and nutrition programs […]

Immigration Action Newsletter October/November

November 4, 2013

Immigration Action Newsletter August recess is over and Congress is back!  Where des CIR stand? What can we do to keep up the pressure in October? Upcoming advocacy opportunities, legislative […]

EPPN: Compassion should never be criminalized – Oppose the SAFE Act

October 16, 2013

Compassion should never be criminalized, but there is an immigration bill in the House of Representatives that would do just that, placing immigrant and non-immigrant members of our communities at […]

Immigration Action Newsletter September/October

October 16, 2013

Immigration Action Newsletter August recess is over and Congress is back!  Where does CIR stand? What can we do to keep up the pressure in October? Upcoming advocacy opportunities, legislative […]

Letter: Faith Leaders to Congress on Possible Government Shutdown

September 30, 2013

Dear Senator/Representative: As leaders of faith communities and organizations comprising millions of people from all walks of life across our nation, we are deeply concerned by the completely avoidable budget […]

Letter to Senate Supporting the Church Health Plan Act of 2013

September 26, 2013

Affirming our belief that health has both physical and spiritual components, we urge you, on behalf of The Episcopal Church, to support The Church Health Plan Act of 2013 (S […]

EPPN Alert:: Tell your representative that we need a better nutrition bill

September 13, 2013

Following the defeat of the House of Representatives farm bill last June, House leadership divided the agriculture and nutrition titles of the farm bill into two separate pieces of legislation […]

Immigration Advocacy Newsletter Aug. 2013

August 15, 2013

The first two weeks of August recess have certainly been exciting! At rallies, vigils, and town halls across the country we have shown our faith by engaging our decision makers […]

EPPNAlert : Senate preps for final S. 744 vote – Why The Episcopal Church supports the bill

June 27, 2013

This week, after months of debate in the Senate and advocacy across the country, the United States Senate will vote on S.744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization […]

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The Office of Government Relations