Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

Global Food Security Act Update

April 29, 2016

Both the House of Representatives and the Senate have passed their respective versions of the Global Food Security Act (H.R. 1567 / S.1254). The House’s final tally was 370 yes […]

Joyful Advocacy to End Gender Inequality

April 5, 2016

I am honored to have served as one of the Episcopal Church’s delegates to United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in both 2015 and 2016. 2015 marked the […]

Lenten Series: Holy Week

March 23, 2016

It is Holy Week. This week is always hard for me, as I am impatient to get to Easter without having to go through Good Friday. On Palm Sunday, I […]

Lenten Series: Give It Away

March 15, 2016

A friend recently asked an innocent question that completely floored me. “I hear you Christians talking about racial reconciliation and Beloved Community, but what does it mean?” We were in […]

Lenten Series: Pilgrimage to Ferguson

March 8, 2016

On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson outside of the Canfield Green apartment complex in Ferguson, MO. I had been in my new […]

Lenten Series: Singing Anew

March 1, 2016

“Perhaps … I am the face of one of your fears. Because I am a woman, because I am Black, because I am a lesbian, because I am myself —a […]

Lenten Series: Called By Name

February 24, 2016

My name is Sowdo My name is Sergio My name is Sadiki My name is Linda   Fundamental to the creation of Beloved Community is inclusiveness. Fundamental to inclusiveness is […]

Lenten Series: Breaking the Chains of Injustice

February 17, 2016

One evening a grandfather told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. […]

Lenten Series: Engaging the Beloved Community

February 10, 2016

“The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community. The aftermath of nonviolence is redemption. The aftermath of nonviolence is reconciliation. The aftermath of violence is emptiness and bitterness.” Dr. […]

Domestic Policy Action Network Newsletter July-August 2015

August 18, 2015

Welcome to the Domestic Policy Action Network (DPAN), your go-to news primer for current domestic issues related to Episcopal Church policy and advocacy organized by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary […]

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The Office of Government Relations