Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

Immigration Debate and the Government Shutdown

January 9, 2019

As the partial government shutdown continues into its third week, we wanted to share some information about the cause of the shutdown, the implications, and to provide some context on […]

New Opportunities

January 3, 2019

This week, the 116th session of Congress will convene. Members of Congress have their work cut out for them – most urgently, they need to find a way to end the […]

For The Next Time

December 21, 2018

For the past 20 months, we joined together to #PrayFastAct. We prayed for those who are living in or at the edge of poverty. We fasted, reminding ourselves of what […]

End of 115th Congress Updates

December 17, 2018

The House and Senate just passed the Farm Bill that maintains the protections for the vulnerable and hungry that you have been advocating for! This is a significant victory to […]

Auschwitz and Memory Culture

December 12, 2018

While the COP24 delegation was in pilgrimage at Auschwitz, something a young German friend told me a few years ago kept echoing through my mind: “Marc, Germany is a memory […]

Get to Know OGR Week 5: Why We Advocate

November 19, 2018

Week 5 of 5 of Get to Know OGR explores all the reasons WHY we advocate. Hint: it’s more than telling the government what to do… Get to Know OGR, […]

Get to Know OGR Week 4: FAQs

November 19, 2018

We explored FAQs we often get at the office as a part of week 4 of Get to Know OGR. Check them out below! Get to Know OGR, FAQs You […]

Get to Know OGR Week 3: Partner Organizations

November 19, 2018

Check out the Twitter moment below for a recap of week 3 of Get to Know OGR: Partner Organizations. Get to Know OGR, Partner Organizations You may have more questions […]

Get to Know OGR Week 2: The History

November 2, 2018

We know you might have lots of questions about the history of #EpiscopalAdvocacy and the Office of Government Relations, so send them to us! We’ll try to answer them as quickly as […]

Looking Back, Looking Forward

October 30, 2018

The election is a week away, Congress is in recess, but our advocacy work continues. Every day, all of us in the Office of Government Relations continue to educate and […]

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The Office of Government Relations