Office of Government Relations

Office of Government Relations

Episcopal Church Statement on Federal Executions

July 26, 2019

“Jesus told us that the greatest gift we could give is to lay down our own lives for another. Conversely, the taking of another life must be viewed as the […]

EPPN Creation Care Series: Just Transitions

July 25, 2019

The United States is undeniably reliant on coal and other fossil fuels for energy. This dependence has led to objective changes in the Earth’s climate and the degradation of God’s […]

Social Media Toolkit: Refugee Resettlement

July 22, 2019

Check out the graphics, sample tweets and sample Facebook post to help spread the word and encourage action to support refugee resettlement. For more, see this statement from Episcopal Migration […]

EPPN Creation Care Series: Carbon Tax

July 18, 2019

As Christians, we have a responsibility to care for the earth and all of the living things that dwell on it. Scientific research clearly shows that climate change, one of […]

EPPN Creation Care Series: Introduction

July 17, 2019

This introduction begins a series of articles addressing different parts of the enviro-political movement and how we, as the Office of Government Relations and Episcopalians engaged in advocacy, have been […]

Episcopal Church Statement on Asylum Restrictions

July 17, 2019

The Episcopal Church is deeply concerned with the recently released Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) interim final rule on asylum. The United States is obliged […]

Statement on Reports of Upcoming Raids

July 11, 2019

The Episcopal Church remains concerned about the reports of upcoming large-scale raids in communities around the U.S. These reports are already creating fear and uncertainty in the lives of people […]

79th General Convention Resolution Update

July 3, 2019

One year ago, thousands of Episcopalians gathered in Austin, Texas for the 79th General Convention. Since that time, the Office of Government Relations (OGR) has continued its work representing The […]

Ten Actions You Can Take to Accompany Undocumented Immigrants

June 25, 2019

This backgrounder provides suggested actions that you can take to support undocumented immigrants in your community. Included are links to further information, which will assist your effort to launch some […]

Statement on New U.S. Cuba Policy

April 18, 2019

Updated September 2019 The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations expresses its concern about the recent decisions by the Trump administration regarding U.S.-Cuba Policy. Since April, the Administration has (1) […]

372 records

The Office of Government Relations