Faith Formation

Lifelong Formation

Religious leaders call for new measures to end human trafficking

November 6, 2014

In case you haven’t seen it, there’s an article in yesterday’s Washington Post about the White House advisory council of religious leaders calling for new measures to end human trafficking […]

Resources for Responding to Tragedy

November 6, 2014

As you most likely already read, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori called for prayer following the explosions in Boston, MA, and offers the following prayer: Gracious God, you […]

God calls me to love all my neighbors

November 6, 2014

My heart aches and my brain seems scrabbled when I learn about a 4 year old boy shooting his 6 year old neighbor. This single death brings back memories of […]

Godly Play Conference upcoming

November 6, 2014

So many of our faith communities use the Godly Play curriculum that this upcoming annual Conference, June 19 to 22 at the University of Toronto, seems like a natural fit […]

Unleash the Power of Age: May is Older Americans Month

November 6, 2014

May is Older Americans Month. Older Americans Month was established under President Kennedy in 1963 – a time when only 17 million living Americans had reached their 65th birthdays. About a third […]

Who is Missing From Your Pews?

November 6, 2014

From time to time I have the honor of welcoming guest bloggers. Today I welcome Sabrina Evans, Director of Christian Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, who is tackling the important […]

Older Americans Month: Video Series Focuses on Aging

November 6, 2014

Older Americans Month is celebrated each May to honor and recognize older adults for their contributions to families, communities, and society. The United States Administration on Aging’s theme this year, […]

Office of Lifelong Christian Formation consulting with Bishop's Native Collaborative

November 6, 2014

The Bishop’s Native Collaborative (BNC), which was designed to reinvigorate native and indigenous initiatives by fostering the formation of clergy to serve native American Episcopal congregations, is developing an alternative theological […]

Unleash the Power of Age: Resources for Older Americans Month

November 6, 2014

More than one in three Episcopalians is over the age of 65, and another 41% of Episcopalians are between the ages of 45 to 64. Three of every four members […]

Spring Resources

November 6, 2014

The Faith Formation Learning Exchange just published their list of Spring 2013 Resources: What’s New: Spring 2013 includes the latest research and articles on families, children’s ministry, children’s and adolescent behavior, […]

131 records

David Stickley

Formation Associate

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