Global Partnerships
10 Little Lessons for a Successful Mission Trip
“I did not know that …” “I was just trying to help …” “Why don’t they…” Those are three most common statements I hear when I am hosting a mission […]
The Short-term Mission Trip as Pilgrimage
For twenty years or so, I have had the incredible privilege of being a part of short-term mission trips, both through helping to host and facilitate these trips as well […]
What is Mission? II
Is it time to call the youth group and let them know that their summer travel is abandoned? Is it time to cancel those reservations and let the parishioners know […]
What is Mission?
Mission is a word we associate with what we do. The “we,” of course, is too often associated with those of us who live or who are from the so-called […]
Mission and Me: Windows on the World
Two different women, by simple statements, made a profound impact on my concept of mission. One was a woman from India who spoke of mission as a “window on the […]
Journeying into God’s Mission
You volunteer to help a new neighbor on a project at home—fixing the house, aiding with kids, repairing a machine. In the process you spend time together. You talk, you […]
Mission Top Ten
It’s mission trip season again. And with all the trips that have gone out over the years, there certainly are some common threads that apply to them all. So here’s […]
Guidelines for Schools: Developing Partnerships Across Cultural and Economic Difference
The desire to develop relationships between schools in the United States and Haiti is a natural expression of love and concern for the some of the poorest and most vulnerable […]
A Day of Prayer and Fasting For Peace in South Sudan and The Democratic Republic of Congo
Pope Francis has called for a ‘Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace’ today, Friday, February 23, 2018. He has invited us to join our brothers and sisters around the […]
Domingo Mundial de las Misiones,
El Domingo Mundial de las Misiones es el último domingo de Epifanía, y las lecturas del día siempre incluyen el pasaje de la transfiguración. En esta lectura, los discípulos ven […]