Evangelism Initiatives
Share Your Education Ministries on the Episcopal Asset Map
Have you heard about the Episcopal Asset Map? It’s a joint project of The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief & Development. We recognize that the individuals, churches, and institutions of the […]
Teachers’ Toolbox at All Saints’ Episcopal Church
On a Sunday night in April, Vicki, a retired teacher, called me. I could hear from her tone that she was frustrated. I asked her what she wanted to talk […]
Create Backpack Tags with Your Students
Awakening the Spirit, an Episcopal Revival in Western Missouri
The second Episcopal Revival, Awakening the Spirit in Western Missouri was held on May 5, 6, and 7, 2017. The revival brought the message of the Jesus Movement into the public […]
A Revival in Pittsburgh
The first in a series of Episcopal Revivals took place in Pittsburgh, PA, February 3-5, 2017. The Episcopal News Service’s coverage of the weekend’s events can be found […]
Get in touch with us!
We’re planning a Revival. How can we stay connected? You don’t need to wait for the Presiding Bishop or the Evangelism Team to help to organize a local or regional […]
Episcopal Revivals
What is a Revival? We like the way Mark Labberton put it: “Revival can be a loaded word. But it almost always shows itself in two interconnected ways: […]
The World Will Turn
Come by here, my Lord, come by here….Oh Lord, come by here. When you live in New York City, you pretty much expect the unexpected when you sit down in […]
Evangelism Matters video on-demand available
Videos of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, workshops and plenary sessions from Evangelism Matters, along with handouts and additional resources for each workshop, are now available on-demand at no charge […]
Reconciliation Begins at Home
Lots of us are heading home for Thanksgiving, but we’re not feeling especially thankful. We’re tired, wary, and the last thing we want to do is see Christ in the other […]