Weekly Bulletin Inserts

Bulletin Inserts

Bulletin Insert: Epiphany 4 – Global Partnerships Lectio Divina: The Very Rev. Sally Sue Hernández and the Rev. Glenda McQueen – January 30, 2022

December 12, 2021

This week’s lectio divina features the Rev. Glenda McQueen, Episcopal Church Partnership Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Very Rev. Sally Sue Hernández, Dean of the Catedral Anglicana de San José de Gracia, in the Anglican Church of Mexico. Watch their discussion at iam.ec/epiphany2022 and follow along by yourself or in a small group.

Bulletin Insert: Epiphany 3 – Global Partnerships Lectio Divina: The Ven. Paul Feheley and the Rev. Zhu Peijin – January 23, 2022

December 12, 2021

This week’s lectio divina features the Ven. Paul Feheley, Episcopal Church Partnership Officer for the Middle East, and the Rev. Zhu Peijin, Assistant Priest in the Parish and Chaplaincy of St. Paul, Kuwait, in the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf. Watch their discussion at iam.ec/epiphany2022 and follow along by yourself or in a small group.

Bulletin Insert: Epiphany 2 – Global Partnerships Lectio Divina: Fr. Daniel Karanja, Bishop Rose Okeno, and Bishop Vicentia Kgabe – January 16, 2022

December 12, 2021

This week’s lectio divina features the Rev. Daniel Karanja, Episcopal Church Partnership Officer for Africa, the Rt. Rev. Rose Okeno, Bishop of Butere in the Anglican Church of Kenya, and the Rt. Rev. Vicentia Kgabe, Bishop of Lesotho in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. Watch their discussion at iam.ec/epiphany2022 and follow along by yourself or in a small group.

Bulletin Insert: Epiphany 1 – Global Partnerships Lectio Divina: St. Luke’s, Rio de Janeiro, and Good Shepherd, Covington – January 9, 2022

December 12, 2021

This week’s lectio divina features parishioners Heather and Christine from the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Covington, Georgia, and the congregation’s Anglican Communion partners, Priscilla and Filipe from St. Luke’s Church in Rio de Janeiro, Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil.

Bulletin Insert: 2 Christmas – Anglican Cycle of Prayer – January 2, 2022

December 12, 2021

The below is the weekly calendar produced by the Anglican Communion for 2022. Over the course of each year, we pray for each of the 41 provinces of the Communion. For more information, visit iam.ec/prayercycle.

Bulletin Insert: 1 Christmas – The Presiding Bishop’s Christmas Message – December 26, 2021

December 12, 2021

A number of years ago, I read a book by Roberta Bondi, who at that time was teaching at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. The title of the book was “To Love as God Loves”.

Bulletin Insert: Advent 4 (C) – Fourth Week of Advent: Journeying in the World – December 19, 2021

October 25, 2021

As we come closer to the joy and promise of the Incarnation, we invite you to continue journeying the Way of Love. Consider this week which of the seven practices captured your imagination this Advent.

Bulletin Insert: Advent 3 (C) – Third Week of Advent: Journeying with Community – December 12, 2021

October 25, 2021

As we continue our Advent walk, we invite you to see the Way of Love as a journey that includes the community. The witness of Zechariah and Elizabeth who bring infant John to the Temple to be circumcised reminds us of the importance of our faith community to sustaining the Way of Love.

Bulletin Insert: Advent 2 (C) – Second Week of Advent: Journeying with Family and Friends – December 5, 2021

October 25, 2021

As we continue our Advent walk, we invite you to see the Way of Love as a journey that can expand to include family and friends. Mary said “yes” to the call to birth Jesus, God’s Word, into the world and immediately went in haste to share her good news with her cousin, Elizabeth—a four-day journey into the Judean hills. Isn’t that what happens when we hear good news? We are driven to go and tell others. The Way of Love is good news that demands to be shared.

Bulletin Insert: Advent 1 (C) – First Week of Advent: Saying “Yes” to the Journey – November 28, 2021

October 25, 2021

As Advent begins this week, we invite you to orient yourself to the coming of Jesus at Christmas through the practices of Journeying the Way of Love. This journey begins by saying “yes” to God’s call to birth new life into the world—a call that is both powerful and gentle, a call that will, if fully embraced, grow beyond our imaginations, spilling out of ourselves and into our family, friends, community, and the whole world.

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