AdventWord: Journey

It was the story of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt as refugees that inspired Episcopalians in Southern Ohio in the 1930s to offer refuge to those fleeing Nazi Europe. For the first time since World War II, there are more than 65.6 million displaced people worldwide, including more than 22.5 million refugees.

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church and is one of nine national agencies responsible for resettling refugees in the United States in partnership with the United States Government. Since the formal beginning of the U.S. Refugee Program in 1980, tens of thousands of churches and countless individuals have been inspired to welcome newcomers – to volunteer, to cosponsor a family, to support resettlement. Through EMM, The Episcopal Church provides a safe and welcoming place for refugees to start over. EMM’s network of local organizations, dioceses, churches, and individual volunteers help people who once had no hope to build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

[Learn more about how the Episcopal Church’s Office of Development supports Episcopal Migration Ministries here.]

In this season of giving, when our thoughts turn towards gratitude, goodwill, and helping the “least of these,” we ask you to please consider a gift of the heart and give generously to EMM. Through your support, we can continue to welcome refugees, educate communities, and equip advocates to speak out in support of refugee protections and resettlement.

There are many ways you can make a tax-deductible gift, including giving securely online at, texting “EMM” to 41444 (standard messaging rates may apply), or calling (212) 716-6002 to give over the phone. Your gift will go such a long way in transforming the lives of those who need it most. It is in giving that we can transform our own lives, and through EMM, the lives of others. Thank you, in advance, for gifts that do so much.

A Collect for Refugees

Holy One of Bethlehem, from your earliest days you knew the threat of death, the terror of flight, and the pain of exile. Today we know that so many – millions upon millions – flee for their own lives and for their children. The numbers seem so vast, the problem so great. It is easy to feel helpless. It is easy to forget. It is easy to ignore. Shake us from complacency and from resignation. Fill our hearts and minds with understanding and compassion for your children Who are forced by persecution and fear to flee their homes. Remind us that each number is a name, each statistic a person – your child, your beloved. Strengthen our resolve; stir in us a spirit of agency and action. For you have blessed each of us with gifts to be shared in love for all you have created, gifts that may be used to welcome, to comfort, to befriend. Grant that we would listen for your call. In your holy name we pray. Amen.

Categories: AdventWord