AdventWord: Focus

As one might imagine, humanitarians are prominent in the history of the Episcopal Church, and the Archives of the Episcopal Church works tirelessly to acquire and maintain their papers—including those of Episcopalians Mary and Julia Chester Emery (1852-1922). These amazing sisters propelled the Church’s mission forward by growing the Women’s Auxiliary and establishing the United Thank Offering (UTO, which has in turn over 120 years made grants, both inside and outside the Church, to alleviate human suffering and promote education throughout the world. The Archives of the Episcopal Church celebrates the Emery sisters’ gift to the Church through a demonstrated record of giving, supporting, and nourishing those in need.

The papers and records of teachers, doctors, nurses, and visionaries who established centers of education and healthcare in Asia and Africa that still exist today are also abundant. These include such continuing success stories as St. Luke’s Hospital and Rikkyo University in Japan, Cuttington College and other schools in Liberia, the Brent School in the Philippines, whose alumni still gather annually in the U.S., and Wuhan (formerly Boone) University, which is held in high national esteem for starting the free public library movement in China.

[Interested in hearing more stories of the Archives and the Episcopal Church? Read more here.]

The Archives of the Episcopal Church preserves the narratives of more than a century of worldwide Episcopal relief work throughout Latin America, Asia, and around the globe. To help support this important work and make sure the stories of the next generation of Episcopal humanitarians are preserved, click here.

Categories: AdventWord