AdventWord 2019: 19. Bless

“My life has been filled with multiple blessings, too many to count. Among the greatest of these blessings are the many different people with whom I have been privileged to share my path – people who have inspired me and guided me through the seasons of my life.

“The Episcopal Church was part of a transformational event for me when I was a young adult. As a freshman in college, I was selected to be a Youth Delegate to General Convention. I felt engaged, encouraged, connected, and entrusted with contributing to the future of the Church. Nobody could have envisioned that sending this young college student would have had this impact. And I feel that it is my job to help others to also have this kind of experience. I was recently involved in helping to support a young woman who wanted to attend Evento de Jóvenes Episcopales, a gathering of Episcopal youth in Panama. I told her, ‘I hope this changes your life.'” – Canon Steve Nishibayashi 

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