Advent 2016 Reflections on Social Justice

The Episcopal Networks Collaborative, consisting of the Episcopal Network for Economic Justice, the Union of Black Episcopalians, and the Episcopal Ecological Network, has published a new resource for preachers entitled Reflections on Social Justice for the Season of Advent. The Rev. Richard Burnett of Trinity Episcopal Church, Columbus, Ohio writes in the introduction:
We began this project in response to a comment voiced by our ecumenical friend Dr. Walter Brueggemann, emeritus professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, and now a communicant in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Referring to his perceived limits of lectionaries, Dr. Brueggemann says that too often the lectionary invites a failure of social-witness nerve in the preacher because it either 1) passes by texts with pronounced justice themes (e.g. edits in Psalm readings or neglected parts of Hebrew Scripture or early church Epistles) or 2) organizes the readings in a way that invites interpretations that concentrate on personal salvation and moralism to the neglect of social inequity and social transformations.
Quite a stunning claim from one of the great preachers of our day! Therefore we step forward with confidence to read the Revised Common Lectionary with new attention thanks to our Brother Walter, who invites this effort first in humble service.
You can download the document below.