Advent Reflections
AdventWord 2019: 24. Beloved
In this week’s epistle, St. Paul addresses the saints: “To all God’s beloved in Rome……
AdventWord 2019: 23. Message
The season of Advent is a time of preparation. It’s not about the hustle and bustle, but about…
AdventWord 2019: 22. Restore
When I think about the importance of manual labor, I think of my brother. The…
AdventWord 2019: 21. Rest
“Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” From the Confessions of…
AdventWord 2019: 20. Go
“When the path is long, Christ wanders with you. When the path is difficult, God’s…
AdventWord 2019: 19. Bless
“My life has been filled with multiple blessings, too many to count. Among the greatest…
AdventWord 2019: 18. Worship
Worship is an integral part in the life and mission of the church. We are…
AdventWord 2019: 17. Pray
“Lord, teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1 I was at a conference recently in Brazil…
AdventWord 2019: 16. Learn
We learn through information and through experience. The work of the General Convention Office involves…
AdventWord 2019: 15. Turn
Our faith encourages us to turn toward one another and toward God. Under Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, The…
AdventWord 2019: 14. Gather
When I first moved to Liverpool, I had met only one person, through Skype, who…
AdventWord 2019: 13. Water
It is easy to overlook the powerful nature of water. Many of us engage with…
AdventWord 2019: 12. Harmony
Bringing people and cultures together. Singing hymns in the Navajo language. Gathering together in hózhó, in beauty, balance,…
AdventWord 2019: 11. Confess
We humans get so many things wrong, but we also get a lot of things…
AdventWord 2019: 10. Grace
In August 2017, a group of young people and their leaders gathered in Shrine Mont,…
AdventWord 2019: 9. Root
Sitting on my couch, broken foot in cast, holiday and life plans completely jacked up,…
AdventWord 2019: 8. Worthy
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is…
AdventWord 2019: 7. Unity
Advent confronts us with a comforting truth that in spite of seemingly insurmountable challenges we…
AdventWord 2019: 6. House
Scraping windows is one of those chores that can only be done slowly. Repeatedly. Diligently….
AdventWord 2019: 5. Raise
Lift every voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring … at Voorhees College and Saint…
AdventWord 2019: 4. Humble
In the crypt of the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem, a painting in an apse represents…
AdventWord 2019: 3. Time
More than six years of preparation. Hours and days spent in planes, trains, and automobiles…
AdventWord 2019: 2. Visit
We visit because being in relationship is one of our deepest callings from God. We…
AdventWord 2019: 1. Unexpected
Come, thou long expected Jesus born to set Thy people free; from our fears and…
AdventWord: Peace
The Episcopal Church works to support peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation in our churches, communities,…
AdventWord: Persist
St. Augustine’s University (SAU) in Raleigh, N.C., one of the Episcopal Church’s two Historically Black…
AdventWord: Expect
Do you know that moment when you are reading a really good book or watching…
AdventWord: Ancestor
In the gospel of Matthew, the author starts the stories of Jesus with Jesus’ lineage,…
AdventWord: Rejoice
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel! In Old Testament and New, rejoicing…
AdventWord: Smooth
Luke 3:4-6 “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of…
AdventWord: Grow
The Young Adult Service Corps is giving me the opportunity to experience God in another…
AdventWord: Alert
Encouraging Episcopalians to engage in the political process through advocacy and voting is a key…
AdventWord: Light
As our days shorten in the north, we lament the loss of light and seek…
AdventWord: Night
On Sunday, April 3, 2016, I wanted to die. I was lying in bed, at…
AdventWord: Focus
As one might imagine, humanitarians are prominent in the history of the Episcopal Church, and…
AdventWord: Watch
“Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we may watch with…
AdventWord: Journey
It was the story of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt as refugees that inspired…
A Veterans Day Reflection
By Ann Ritonia Bishop Ann Ritonia (center back) and community members during her trip to Ramstein,…
Resources for Juneteenth
Monday, June 19th marks the second anniversary of Juneteenth as a federal holiday. While its…
A Prayer Unanswered
By the Rev. Phil Hooper Like many closeted young people, when I was a teenager,…
Reflecting on Beloved Community
By Catherine Meeks Photo taken from Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing. I wonder at…
Hau Mitakuyepi (hello, my relatives)
By the Rev. Shaneequa Brokenleg Hau Mitakuyepi (hello, my relatives), The summer is coming to…
Sacred Ground and General Convention Resolutions
By Jayne Osgood The Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention in Baltimore this summer seems to…
From the Becoming Beloved Community Grant Community: Land Acknowledgment and Beyond–Church of the Incarnation and Trinity Cathedral
By the Indigenous Ministry Team of the Commission for Intercultural Ministries–the Rev. Canon Tina Campbell,…
Hispanic Heritage Month from the perspective of the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries
By The Rev. Samuel Borbon Each year, the United States observes National Hispanic Heritage Month….
Back-to-School and Ministry
By Canon Myra Garnes I love “Homecoming” services and celebrations in our churches as we…
Support H.R.40/S.40 to Establish a Commission on Reparations
Below is a letter from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to Congress urging passage of H.R.40/S.40,…
On Sacred Ground
By Amanda Szakats As a facilitator of the Episcopal Church’s Sacred Ground program, my fellow…
Beloved Community: Episcopal Migration Ministries
By The Rev. Michael Wallens I have the honor and joy to be a part…
Give the Gift of Anti-Racism to Kids
By Will Bouvel with Jen Enriquez (ring… ring…) I was wondering if anyone would pick…
Go Tell It on the Mountain: Of Nativities and Justice
By the Rev. Melanie Mullen Down in a lowly mangerThe humble Christ was bornAnd God…
Diocese of Central Gulf Coast – Becoming Beloved Community Grant Recipient
By Gary Moore and Joe McDaniel, Jr. As many other dioceses have experienced during the…
Stepping Stones – Becoming Beloved Community Grant Recipient
By the Rev. Peggy Bryan Stepping Stones is pioneering work in building relationships with the…
On Sacred Ground
By Katrina Browne, Sacred Ground Coordinator Welcome to the Sacred Ground space for stories, musings, opinions, best…
To Dos & To Don’ts: (Re)Centering Relationship in Antiracism Work
By Rev. Jeanne Kaliszewski and Michael Montgomery When starting a new project, few things are…
The Cultural Conundrum of the Indigenous Christian
December 24: Where is the Star Pointing You?
Nativity scene with figures in black silhouette against blue-red gradient starry sky with comet star…
Advent 4: Repairing the Breach in Institutions and Society
Pray the Collect for This Sunday. Read the Scripture Together: Luke 1:26-38 Reflection: Here I…
December 22: Do Not Be Afraid
“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid” – Frederick…
December 21: Repairing the Breach
What institutions and systems are broken near us? How will we participate in the repair,…
December 19: Here Am I; Send Me!
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and…
December 18: Practicing the Way of Love
Practicing the Way of Love In this holiday season, we often find ourselves attending social…
Advent 3: Practicing the Way of Love in the Pattern of Jesus
Pray the Collect for This Sunday. Read the Scripture together: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11 Reflection: Stir Us…
December 15: Begin with "Why?"
In this Advent season of preparation, we await the coming of the one who will…
December 14: A DREAMer Proclaims the Dream
I am a priest, a seminary professor, an evangelist, a speaker. I am all those…
December 13: Make a Joyful Noise
When we have good news, it is hard to keep it under wraps. Whether it…
December 12: What Does Beloved Community Look Like?
In Christ there is no east or west, in him no south or north, but…
Advent 2016 Reflections on Social Justice
The Episcopal Networks Collaborative, consisting of the Episcopal Network for Economic Justice, the Union of…
Liberated by God’s Grace: 2016 Advent Devotions
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry joined the leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical…
Christmas Day / Peace
Merry Christmas! May a hurting world find peace and healing on this holy day. The…
The Holy Family
The Holy Family is the name given to the family unit of Jesus: Jesus, his…
O Emmanuel / O Come O Come Emmanuel
The final of The Great “O” Antiphons reminds us that God is with us. O…
O King of Nations / Reign of God
Jesus as king and cornerstone is the message of the sixth of The Great “O”…
O Dayspring / Light in the Darkness
On this first day of winter, the fifth of The Great “O” Antiphons invites reflection…
O Key of David / Liberation
The fourth of the Great “O” Antiphons heralds the coming of Christ as the great…
O Root of Jesse / Jesse Tree
The third of The Great “O” Antiphons highlights Jesus’ lineage from Jesse, David’s father. The…
O Adonai / Discipleship
The second of The Great “O” Antiphons is O Adonai. These antiphons are seven brief…
O Wisdom / Storytelling / Testimony
The Great “O” Antiphons are seven brief prayers that are traditionally chanted or sung on…
Posada / Hospitality
Las Posadas, Spanish for “the inns,” is an Advent celebration of hospitality in Mexico and…
Advent gives us the opportunity to work on spiritual practices that may not come easy….
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Charles Wesley, one of the co-founders of the 18th century Methodist movement, wrote well over…
Gaudete Sunday / Rejoice!
The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday. The term is derived from…
Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated on December 12, when people from…
St. Lucia
The Feast of St. Lucia is a festival of lights celebrated in Sweden, Norway, and…
Waiting isn’t often a joyful experience, but living in the true spirit of Advent can…
The Blessed Virgin Mary
During Advent, we wait with Mary for the birth of her son. We share her…
St. Nicholas
While Advent is a time of waiting with hope and patience for the coming of…
The Prophets
The longings and the expectations of generations are revealed through the readings of the Old…
Rorate Coeli
Known as The Advent Prose, Rorate Coeli are texts adapted from prophet Isaiah that speak…
Simbang Gabi
“Simbang Gabi,” a Filipino Christmas tradition, is a series of nine dawn masses that begin…
Stir-up / Traditional Holiday Food
“Stir up,” from the Latin “excita,” reminds us of God’s power moving in the world,…
While Advent is a season of hope and expectation, it is also a time of…
John the Baptist
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus Christ as the Son of God, calling…
Hope, Expectation
Advent is a season of hope: for the coming of the Christ Child, for a…
Advent, from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming,” is considered to be the beginning…
Life-giving Choices: Advent Meditation, 12/25/2012
I’ve been pondering lately, just what does it mean to make a “life-giving” choice? Does…
Tonight … Advent Meditation, 12/24/2012
Luke 1:67-79 By: Amy Real Coultas It’s Christmas Eve! We’ve been waiting and preparing and…
God Surrounding Us With Love and Hope: Advent Meditation, 12/23/2012
Luke 1:39-49 By: Vivian Taylor The summer after I graduated from the University of North…
My Soul Magnifies the Lord: Advent Meditation, 12/22/2012
Luke 1:46-56 By: Jason Sierra When I was little, my brother and I had a…
Season of the Red Cups: Advent Meditation, 12/21/2012
Psalm 33:20-22 By: Joe Chambers We’re seven weeks deep into the Season of Red Cups,…
A Good and Joyful Thing: Advent Meditation, 12/20/2012
Luke 1:28-32 By: Christopher Esposito-Bernard While we know that this “Jesus” would eventually change the…
A Fortress to Keep Me Safe: Advent Meditation, 12/19/2012
Psalm 71:1-6 By: Jason Sierra In you, O Lord, I take refuge;let me never be put…
Emmanuel: Advent Meditation, 12/18/2012
Matthew 1:18-25 By: Carrie Diaz-Littauer Emmanuel, God with us. I like this particular birth narrative…
Justice and Equality: Advent Meditation, 12/17/2012
Psalm 72:1-8 By: Joe Domko Much can be said about this royal psalm, the last…
Be Overcome: Advent Meditation, 12/16/2012
Luke 3:15-18 By: Lucas John Mix God can be overwhelming. We forget that in the…
Keep Me Where the Light Is: Advent Meditation, 12/15/2012
Psalm 80:1-3 By: Kimberly Jackson One sentence encapsulates my first impression of today’s scripture: Wow,…
Hold Hope: Advent Meditation, 12/14/2012
Psalm 1:1-3 By: Rachel Jones Riparian forests are subject to frequent inundation.Riparian forests help control sediment, reduce…
Prophets Among Us: Advent Meditation, 12/13/2012
Matthew 11:9-10 By: Hillary Raining When I was about 4 years old, I attended a…
Christ Leading Me: Advent Meditation, 12/12/2012
December 12, 2012 By: Vivian Taylor There are a lot of different kinds of bad…
From the Mouths of Babes: Advent Meditation, 12/10/2012
Psalm 8:1-8 By: Joe Domko Psalm 8 celebrates and honors both the Creator and the…
Turning Toward God: Advent Meditation, 12/9/2012
Luke 3:1-6 By: Amy Real Coultas During Advent, we are preparing our hearts to experience…
May God's Peace Be Upon You: Advent Meditation, 12/8/2012
Lately the religious diversity of the United States is more apparent. As a result of…
Struggling Towards Peace: Advent Meditation, 12/7/2012
Psalm 27:1 By: Christopher Esposito-Bernard During the season of Advent, we anticipate peace. Anticipate because…
Dance Upon the Surface of the Deep: Advent Meditation, 12/6/2012
Matthew 7:24-27 By: Lucas John Mix The world can be stormy. Chance and fate play…
Psalm 23 & Peace: Advent Meditation, 12/5/2012
Psalm 23 By: Carrie Diaz-Littauer The beautiful verses of this well-known psalm have afforded comfort…
Peace in the Midst of Life: Advent Meditation, 12/4/2012
Luke 10:21-24 By: Rachel Jones Peace: it does not mean to be in a place where…
Grant Us Thy Peace: Advent Meditation, 12/3/2012
Isaiah 2:2-5 By: Hillary Raining Last summer, I was blessed to take a pilgrimage to…
God Will Prepare the Way: Advent Meditation, 12/2/2012
Today’s passage from the 25th Psalm is all about trust – trusting in God to show…