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Another term for Easter season, the Great Fifty Days. As used in English-speaking churches, “tide” is an old word meaning a festival and its season.

Sermons That Work

This Gospel Text Is Read…, Easter 5 (C) – 1998

May 10, 1998

This gospel text is read in Eastertide, in anticipation of Jesus leaving a particular place, at a particular time, and a particular group of people. As might be suspected, there […]

Sermons That Work

Washing in the Life-Giving Water, Lent 4 (A) – 2014

March 30, 2014

[…] to a period of spiritual preparation and renewal in anticipation of the coming jubilance of Eastertide. Throughout the history of the church, candidates for Holy Baptism would often engage in […]


April Evangelism Newsletter

April 19, 2022

[…] in Christ. Our guest Evangelism Catalyst this month is Elllis Montes, who is ushering us into Eastertide, by exploring what it means to love and serve one another.  “Love one another […]


Easter Season 2002 Message

March 31, 2002

A prayer at Eastertide Risen Christ, in the midst of grief and despair, at the very point when all seemed lost you stood in the midst of your friends in […]



September 28, 2022

[…] de retraites. Son dernier livre s’intitule Easter Triumph, Easter Joy : Meditations for the Fifty Days of Eastertide. Avant de travailler pour Forward Movement, Scott était curé de paroisse dans le diocèse de […]


Centered Participants

September 14, 2022

[…] preacher, teacher, and retreat leader. His latest book is Easter Triumph, Easter Joy: Meditations for the Fifty Days of Eastertide. Before serving at Forward Movement, Scott was a parish priest in the Diocese of Rhode Island. Prior to ordination, he […]

Sermons That Work

Today Is the Sunday…, Easter 7 (A) – 2002

May 12, 2002

[…] that. It is about God. In fact, even though it comes toward the end of Eastertide, the Ascension is most closely related, in meaning, to Christmas. At Christmas we celebrate […]

Sermons That Work

Distractions, Proper 17 (B) – 2021

August 29, 2021

[…] Sunday while the other strongly believed it should be put away by the end of Eastertide. A friendly argument ensued for several few weeks over this. Fortunately, they both finally […]

Sermons That Work

When We Want to Talk…, Easter 3 (A) – 2011

May 08, 2011

[…] story about the sense of the heart. It’s a great story that we hear during Eastertide about the risen Lord who accompanies a couple of disciples who are walking along […]

Sermons That Work

Baptism Into the Fold, Easter 4 (A) – 2014

May 11, 2014

[…] the Easter themes. In the early church, converts were brought to baptism on Easter eve. Eastertide was, for them, a time when they began to enjoy a new life, a […]

Sermons That Work

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!, Easter Day (A) – 2017

April 16, 2017

[…] Christ, we know that love, hope, and peace will ultimately prevail! And so, in this Eastertide, may we proclaim that Christ is risen, not simply in church, but also in […]


Presiding Bishop’s Easter message for 2009

March 30, 2009

[…] of our current separation and tune our yearning for that light. Carry that yearning into Eastertide, and beyond, that we and the world around us may know the blessing of […]

35 records