
Public Affairs

Episcopal Church announces 2022 Creation Care grant recipients

November 10, 2022

[…] Marfa Housing Authority and residents to plant trees around affordable housing complex and form environmental stewardship team to care for the trees long term. Generación Verde (Generation Green) — $10,000 Jóvenes […]

Public Affairs

House of Bishops issues pastoral letter

March 18, 2009

[…] them and continue to live without regard to the care of God’s creation and the stewardship of the earth’s resources that usher in a more just and peaceful world. In […]

Sermons That Work

Shalom: Faithful to the Dream of God, Easter 2 (A) – 2023

April 16, 2023

[…] until 2008 that Harper One would publish The Green Bible, in which all passages concerned with environmental stewardship are printed in green – it’s a Green-Letter Bible! The foreword to The Green […]


Go! for Lent: Luke 14:21, 23

March 2, 2016

[…] these! Can you imagine such a situation in our houses of worship, at our fancy stewardship dinners, on our church committees? What if the people living on the streets, or […]

Public Affairs

Follow the Nuevo Amanecer conference online

August 27, 2012

[…] are invited to expand their knowledge by sharing best practices and exploring new methods of stewardship, church growth and evangelism. Participants will learn strategies and ideas for starting and strengthening […]


We look forward to gathering in Baltimore!

May 15, 2023

[…] across all, following the themes of worship and liturgy, formation, justice and advocacy, leadership, preaching, stewardship, and youth and children. Go Deeper • Presenters and preachers • Register for the […]


Apply to be on a CCAB!

November 10, 2014

[…] & Music SC/Ministry Development SC/Mission & Evangelism SC/Small Congregations SC/Social Justice & Public Policy SC/ Stewardship & Development SC/Structure SC/World Mission ECC/Anti-Racism ECC/Audit ECC/Corporate Social Responsibility ECC/Economic Justice Loan ECC/Episcopal […]

Sermons That Work

A Commentary On…, Proper 8 (B) – 2000

July 02, 2000

[…] our neighbors are a threat; which creates more suicides, murders and prisons.” (Kay Collier-Slone, “ Stewardship conference challenged to move beyond scarcity to abundance,” ENS Release 99-064.) The alternative is […]

Public Affairs

Deadline nears for Center Director Position for Episcopal Church

June 1, 2009

[…] the following focus areas: Congregational Vitality, Ethnic and Multicultural Ministries, Christian Formation, Congregational Research, Evangelism, Stewardship, Worship and Spirituality, and Episcopal Migration Ministries. The director supervises 35 staff members located […]

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