
Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Advent 4 (C) – 2015

December 20, 2015

[…] birth of Jesus. We would never have received the Magnificat that we say in our Daily Offices. In this glimpse of the birth narrative we are given a sense of […]

Youth Ministries

Lenten Devotions

November 6, 2014

[…] This series features scripture, prayer and meditative thoughts, accompanied by music and can be accessed daily at Shannon Kelly (a priest in the Episcopal Church and Province V’s Youth […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Easter 2 (C) – 2022

March 10, 2022

[…] need to live more fully into Christ’s callings for me? Psalm 150 We are reminded daily of the loss from COVID, even as transmission rates drop. We totter on the […]

Sermons That Work

Transformed in Baptism, Epiphany 1 (B) – January 7, 2024

January 07, 2024

[…] to love and serve you and our neighbors; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ( Daily Prayer for All Seasons, Church Publishing) Susan Butterworth, M.A., M.Div, is a writer, teacher, singer, and lay minister. […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 5 (C) – 2022

March 10, 2022

[…] God’s mission of restoration to all creation. How can we live and serve with our daily experiences bracketed in hope? What would this look like, sound like, and feel like? […]

Sermons That Work

A Procession Is Different…, Lent 3 (A) – 1996

March 10, 1996

[…] by actions, desires, passions, indecision and decisions, pettiness and pride and all of the other daily sins. God knows everything I have ever done. My private procession to the Cross […]

Public Affairs

2018 Advent Resources Available Online

November 15, 2018

[…] and activities. #AdventWord This popular Advent practice returns in 2018. Sign up to receive a daily word to use as a focus for your prayer and an invitation to share […]


General Convention Highlights

August 7, 2024

[…] (DOK) gathering (in addition to providing swag), hosted workshops about UTO, and gathered Blue Boxes daily from the House of Bishops and House of Deputies. UTO supported the Children’s Program […]


The First Fruits of Revival

October 17, 2018

[…] many are doing The Bible Challenge privately or in small congregational groups, 143 are meeting daily on Facebook to share the experience and reflect on the scriptures of the day. […]


Marks of mission

June 10, 2008

[…] be. In a large view, it’s about partnering in building the Reign of God. In daily life, you and I get countless opportunities to engage in that mission.   In […]

Sermons That Work

What Will Happen to Him?, Proper 10 (C) – 2019

July 14, 2019

[…] James Koester of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist wrote in one of the daily reflections, Brother, Give Us a Word, about Pentecost, saying, “We need not fear any […]

Sermons That Work

Go and Do Likewise, Proper 10 (C) – 2001

July 15, 2001

[…] They want to have what he has — a peace that comes only from close, daily communion with God. They want to enter, to inherit the kingdom of heaven. So […]

Sermons That Work

Driven by the Spirit, Lent 1 (C) – 2016

February 14, 2016

[…] him apart while at the same time plunging him into the sufferings and joys of daily living: the words uttered at his baptism, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with […]

150 records