

Presiding Bishop’s Lenten message 2008

February 5, 2008

The Church gradually took on the discipline of Lent in solidarity with those preparing for baptism at the Easter Vigil. That preparation work has traditionally been summarized as prayer and […]


Becoming Beloved Community Events and Curricula

April 7, 2022

[…] – Avent Année B Preparation a la Conversion en Communaute Bien-Aimee – Avent Année C Lent Curriculum English Preparing to Become the Beloved Community – Lent Year A Preparing to […]

united thank offering

Lent Materials Available

December 1, 2023

[…] Melton, UTO Staff Officer  If the title of this article shocked you, I apologize, but Lent is very early this year (it’s a Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday year again), and we […]


Lent 2024: 40 Days of Gratitude and Presence

January 3, 2024

By Heather Melton, UTO Staff Officer  This year our theme for Lenten materials is “40 Days of Grateful Presence” and a call to giving thanks for the many things in […]

Public Affairs

Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent

February 16, 2015

The holy season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, and continues to the festive day of Easter on April 5. The following are offerings from the Domestic and […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 5 (A) – 2023

February 8, 2023

[…] 8:6-11; John 11:1-45 Ezekiel 37:1-14 In addition to its inclusion in the fifth Sunday of Lent, this well-known passage also serves as one of the suggested readings for the Great […]

Sermons That Work

The Altar Is Our Banquet Table, Lent 4 (C) – 2013

March 10, 2013

One year at the start of Lent, a sweet-natured seminarian with a wickedly funny approach to theology decided to give up his vegetarianism for the duration. Part of his motivation […]


EPPN Alert: Lent: – Violence Against Women

March 1, 2013

The season of Lent challenges Christians to repentance — a radical reordering of life — in order that we may more fully encounter God through worship and prayer; proclamation of […]

Sermons That Work

Death, Lent 5 (A) – 2023

March 26, 2023

Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45 These long readings from John’s Gospel during Lent have a depth and a power to them that can, if we take them […]

Sermons That Work

One Could Summarize…, Lent 2 (A) – 2008

February 17, 2008

[…] went to the mountaintop with Jesus and witnessed the Transfiguration. On the first Sunday in Lent we reflected on his temptation in the wilderness at the start of his public […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 4 (C) – 2019

March 31, 2019

Joshua 5:9-12 As we continue our journey in Lent, we are invited in a deeper awareness of our bondage to sin and the threshold decision moments in our lives. At […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 1 (C) – 2019

March 10, 2019

[…] thinking, after reading this lesson, that the season of stewardship drives had begun rather than Lent—what is all this about offerings? Are we being called to repent for our lackluster […]

Sermons That Work

In Trust and Hope, Lent 5 (A) – 2017

April 02, 2017

These long readings from John’s Gospel during Lent have a depth and a power to them that can reach to the very core of our lives. Today we hear about […]

Sermons That Work

The Gospel Reading Today…, Lent 4 (B) – 1997

March 09, 1997

The gospel reading today, the fourth Sunday in Lent, is the “feeding of the multitude.” It is a familiar biblical story, the almost everyone has heard before. It is precisely […]


EPPN Alert: Lent – Human Trafficking

March 14, 2013

This Lent, we are committed to reflecting upon and transforming our culture of violence toward one in which we may all live safely and freely into the fullness of whom […]


Go! for Lent: Psalm 121:8

March 1, 2016

If Lent – and life – is a journey, then we can have no better words to be our companions on the way than the eight verses of Psalm 121. […]


Go! for Lent: Esther 4:16

February 28, 2016

[…] can make from this novel.  Esther 4:16 is a powerful and inspiring verse for this Lent season.  What can we learn from this Jewish woman, also allegedly Queen of Persia?  […]

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