
Sermons That Work

Penny for Your Thoughts, Proper 27 (B) – 2015

November 08, 2015

[…] giving posture was to give 90% above the tithe – Now, how’s that for a stewardship model? If she was anything like the other women portrayed in the Gospel of […]

Sermons That Work

Bible Study Is Something…, Proper 23 (A) – 1996

October 06, 1996

[…] money is one of our possessions we most wanted to hang onto and to control. Stewardship education can help us deal with some of these control issues. Through stewardship education, […]


Executive Council: Presiding Bishop’s opening remarks

January 12, 2017

[…] one came from, General Convention was clear about Evangelism and Reconciliation but we know Environmental Stewardship is critically important in this moment too, because all too often people needing liberation […]

Sermons That Work

Coming Home in Love, Epiphany 4 (A) – 2011

January 30, 2011

[…] spiritual poverty and see the absurdity of our greed. As we live through the “ stewardship of finances” work we do in the church to raise money for mission, giving […]

Public Affairs


April 18, 2023

[…] the name by commas. Preferred: Jane Doe, senior warden, spoke to the congregation about the upcoming stewardship campaign. The people’s warden, John Smith, will hold a cleanup day at the church. Alternative: Rector’s […]


Reawaken to the Honorable Harvest

May 24, 2022

[…] how my ancestors might recognize me through actions.  This book offers themes of Indigenous environmental stewardship by recognizing sacred space, identifying cultural keystone species, practicing an honorable harvest through of […]


Text of presiding bishop's orientation address

July 29, 2003

[…] We have also been on the forefront of work on debt relief, on HIV/AIDS, environmental stewardship, ethical decision making around matters of life and death, and peace making in many […]

Public Affairs

Grieves, Shea to leave Episcopal Church posts

April 16, 2009

[…] international peace and justice.” Chief Operating Officer Linda Watt noted, “In the interest of good stewardship and effective service, we are considering combining the positions of Advocacy Center director and […]


Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News: Why Do We Care?

May 21, 2020

[…] Episcopal Church recognizes the process of voting and political participation is an act of Christian stewardship, and that such processes must be fair, secure, and just (see resolutions EC022020.16 and 2018-D096). Since misinformation […]


Domestic Policy Action Network Newsletter July-August 2015

August 18, 2015

[…] Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) to develop parish and diocesan resources to support environmental stewardship for church-related properties and buildings. Take Action: These resolutions, and many others, will be […]

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