

Striving for True Boldness

March 1, 2002

[…] peoples beyond our borders, or there may be no more world to satiate our unre lenting consumerism. Yes, boldness is what is called for, and courage. But, let us understand […]

Sermons That Work

A Man Was in the Back Yard…, Easter (B) – 2003

April 20, 2003

[…] little girl’s comforting, freeing promise at Easter, as we try to overcome the trials of Lent just past. “God can fix it!” Perhaps that is as good a message as […]

Sermons That Work

Jesus Said to Them…, Easter 3 (B) – 1997

April 13, 1997

[…] building relationship in meals — are deeply related. We found this to be true during Lent. We fasted and experienced hunger, which underscored both our need for God and our […]


A Spacious Life: Lenten Meditation, 3/13/2013

March 13, 2013

[…] for your attention and leave you feeling stuck? What might set you free? For me, Lent has become about seeking out simplicity, about reducing the number of inessential things clamoring […]


Faith Transfigured: Lenten Meditation, 2/24/2013

February 24, 2013

[…] have faith in something means that you believe it without even seeing it. However, in Lent we are given an opportunity to examine everything about our life with Christ, and […]

Public Affairs

#washday15: Anglican global Lenten movement

March 5, 2015

A new global movement – #washday15 – provides a means for participating in a worldwide Lenten discipline through social media postings on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook. Initiated by the […]


Sermon at Opening Eucharist of House of Bishops Meeting

March 13, 2009

[…] It seems entirely appropriate that the celebration for James Theodore Holly will always fall in Lent, if this feast gets final authorization from General Convention. We?re all supposed to be […]


Open to Healing: Lenten Meditation, 3/9/2013

March 9, 2013

[…] a shattered psyche, and a broken heart. In the weeks that followed, I had p lenty of time to be alone with my thoughts, and to begin the long process […]

united thank offering

A New Year’s Resolution to Be More Present

January 3, 2024

[…] when the formation and development committee began to discuss what the focus for our 2024 Lenten materials should be, they decided to focus on 40 days of grateful presence. I […]

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