
Choir Office

Choir Office

A service, typically one of the Daily Offices, which is sung or said in the choir space of the chancel.



A prayer, an address to God. The term is from the Latin, “oration.”

Golden Sequence, The

Golden Sequence, The

[…] Sancte Spiritus or the Veni Creator Spiritus (Hymns 503-504) is to be sung before the prayer of consecration at the ordination of bishops, priests, and deacons (BCP, pp. 520, 533, […]

Miter, or Mitre

Miter, or Mitre

[…] typically worn by bishops in procession and when pronouncing episcopal blessings. It is removed during prayer, including the eucharistic canon. The term is from the Greek for “turban.” The miter […]

Disciplinary Rubrics

Disciplinary Rubrics

[…] end of the eucharistic services in the 1979 BCP. The rubrics derive from the 1549 Prayer Book and involve the prohibition of communion to those known to be living in […]

Confession of Faith

Confession of Faith

[…] recitation of the ancient ecumenical creeds-the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed-and through the eucharistic prayer. At every baptism in the Episcopal Church, the congregation welcomes the newly baptized by […]

Major Feasts

Major Feasts

Major celebrations of the church year for which the Prayer Book appoints proper collects, psalms, and lessons. They include the seven principal feasts (Easter Day, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, […]



A large black scarf worn by clergy over surplice and cassock at the Daily Offices. It resembles a stole and is worn around the neck with the ends hanging down […]



[…] sanctify the eucharistic elements and the participants. More generally, it may simply refer to a prayer such as those commonly offered at the beginning of a meeting, banquet, or other […]

Black Fast

Black Fast

The custom of observing the two great Prayer Book fast days, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, by eating no food at all. This was observed as a pious custom by […]

Holy Table

Holy Table

[…] been used by those seeking to emphasize the eucharist as a shared meal. All three terms are used with the same meaning in the Prayer Book (see BCP, pp. 354, 361).

Restoring of Things Profaned

Restoring of Things Profaned

[…] precede the first church service after an act of vandalism or desecration. Portions of the prayer may be repeated for pastoral reasons at subsequent services on that day. The bishop […]

Regina Coeli

Regina Coeli

Latin for “Queen of Heaven,” the phrase refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Regina Coeli is also the beginning of a devotion, common in some Anglo-catholic circles, used during the […]



Backless chair with arms or stool that can be used for sitting or as a prayer desk. The term is from the Latin, “folding stool.” It is portable, and it […]

Breastplate of St

Breastplate of St

[…] appears as Hymn 370 in The Hymnal 1982. It is a Celtic lorica, or breastplate prayer, which was recited while dressing or arming for physical or spiritual battle. The text […]

Pastoral Offices

Pastoral Offices

Prayer Book services that are done on an occasional basis according to pastoral need at significant moments in the lives of church members. The pastoral offices are also known […]

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