
Sermons That Work

Quick, What Is Another…, Lent 4 (B) – 2009

March 22, 2009

Quick, what is another name for today, the Fourth Sunday in Lent? Give up? Actually, there are several possible answers to this question, all of them correct, and all of […]

Sermons That Work

At This Particular Time, Lent 3 (C) – 1998

March 15, 1998

[…] how much God loves us and forgives us, no matter what. During this season of Lent, we remember our Baptism, the time when we were marked and sealed as Christ’s […]

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[…] preparation for the Paschal feast, or Pascha (BCP, pp. 264-265). The season now known as Lent (from an Old English word meaning “spring,” the time of lengthening days) has a […]

Sermons That Work

Lent: A Season for Dominance, Lent 1 (A) – 2020

March 01, 2020

[…] the scriptures is a far cry from these examples. Today is the first Sunday of Lent, and appropriately, the lectionary passages bring us into the wilderness. The reading from Genesis […]

Public Affairs

Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent revised for 2021

February 3, 2021

New and updated Lent and Easter resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith are available from The Episcopal Church, with additional offerings coming soon. Available and upcoming resources include: […]


Of Cupid, and Lent, and the Dimensions of Love

February 1, 1999

On February 14 lovers will exchange cards and flowers in celebration of St. Va lentine‘s Day. Three days later we celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The feast […]

Sermons That Work

Everything That Is Read…, Lent 5 (C) – 2001

April 01, 2001

[…] contains, in some ways, a warning and a promise. We certainly know that all of Lent has been a preparation for the momentous events of Holy Week and Easter. But […]

Sermons That Work

It Is March, a Time…, Lent 3 (B) – 1997

March 02, 1997

[…] of late winter in many states, the promise of spring in others. And it is Lent. I wonder how many of us think of Lent as a special time in […]

Sermons That Work

Washing in the Life-Giving Water, Lent 4 (A) – 2014

March 30, 2014

Lent draws the faithful – sometimes kicking and screaming – to a period of spiritual preparation and renewal in anticipation of the coming jubilance of Eastertide. Throughout the history […]



Archaic term for the forty days of Lent or the First Sunday in Lent. See Pre-Lent season.


The Voice, Lent 5 (B) – 2021

March 21, 2021

[…] with all we encounter. In the name of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Lent, a season that calls us to repentance, in which we change our vestments to […]

Pre-<mark class=Lenten Season" />

Pre-Lenten Season

The observance of a period of a few weeks in preparation for Lent. Septuagesima Sunday was the first Sunday of the Pre-Lenten season. It was the third Sunday before Lent […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 1 (C) – 2022

February 9, 2022

RCL: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Romans 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13 The liturgical season of Lent gives us both a divine invitation and a map. It embodies the first three elements […]

Sermons That Work

Lent 5 Selected Sermon (C) 1998

March 29, 1998

Normally we think of Lent as a somewhat somber time, a time of penitence in preparation for (our remembrance of) the Crucifixion on Good Friday, followed by the celebration of […]

Sermons That Work

For about 1,000 Years…, Lent 4 (B) – 2000

April 02, 2000

For about 1,000 years, this Sunday, the Sunday in the middle of Lent, has been a little special. Because of the Gospel account of the miraculous feeding, today has been […]

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