

Rhythms of Prayer: Lenten Meditation, 3/7/2013

March 7, 2013

[…] every day, using a pattern of psalms, scripture readings, and prayers laid out in the Book of Common Prayer. Following this pattern would take me through the whole Book of Psalms every seven […]

Preface (Eucharistic)

Preface (Eucharistic)

[…] observances “Of a Theologian and Teacher” and “For the Unity of the Church.” The Altar Book provides music in simple and solemn tone versions for all the proper prefaces. See […]

Public Affairs

Book of Common Prayer, the

April 14, 2023

As with the Bible, lowercase “the” and title case Book of Common Prayer.  Lowercase subsequent references to it as the prayer book. Don’t abbreviate as BCP, including in citations: (Book of Common Prayer, […]



[…] show proficiency in liturgics concerning Christian worship according to the contents and use of the Book of Common Prayer. Similarly, candidates for ordination to the diaconate must complete a course of study that […]



See Book of Common Prayer, The (BCP)

Liturgical Studies

Liturgical Studies

[…] out its canonical mandate “to collect and collate material bearing upon further revisions of The Book of Common Prayer.” The first two studies were edited by Ruth A. Meyers. Liturgical Studies One is […]

Living the Good News, or Colorado Curriculum

Living the Good News, or Colorado Curriculum

[…] the Good News emphasizes the heritage of the Episcopal Church, the sacraments, and the Prayer Book. The curriculum also emphasizes the liturgical seasons of the year. It is based on […]


Religious Orders and Christian Communities

June 30, 2020

[…] whom You call to follow You under the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience” ( Book of Common Prayer, p. 819) The Episcopal Church canonically recognizes 18 traditional orders and 14 Christian communities […]


Homepage 2

October 23, 2023

[…] Affairs About The Episcopal Church The mission of The Episcopal Church, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer’s catechism, is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in […]


Calendar of the Church Year

August 4, 2020

[…] Christ’s resurrection in ordinary life. The term “ordinary time” is not used in the Prayer Book, but the season after Pentecost can be considered ordinary time. It may be referred […]

678 records