
Sermons That Work

Sacrifice, Palm Sunday (B) – 2018

March 25, 2018

How did this happen? How did Jesus’ life of peace end in such a vio lent death? We stand at the edge of this moment, looking on in horror and […]

Lectionary Cycle

Lectionary Cycle

[…] Year B, and Luke in Year C. The Gospel According to John is used during Lent and Easter, and on some Sundays in Year B, since Mark is shorter than […]

Public Affairs

Episcopal Migration Ministries launches podcast

February 9, 2018

[…] Episcopalians to join in reading the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts during Lent-Easter 2018. More information about the Good Book Club here.  The first episode will be […]

<mark class=Lenten Array" />

Lenten Array

Lenten array usually refers to a rough or homespun fabric. It may have an off-white color or it may be made without any dye. Lenten array may be decorated […]

Preface (Eucharistic)

Preface (Eucharistic)

[…] There are nine proper prefaces for seasons, including Advent, Incarnation, Epiphany, two proper prefaces for Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. There are ten proper prefaces for other occasions: […]

Cyril of Jerusalem

Cyril of Jerusalem

[…] were given to candidates for baptism. In these lectures he explained the liturgical practices of Lent and Holy Week in fourth-century Palestinian Christianity. The Mystagogical Catecheses, which were lectures given […]

Youth Ministries


November 6, 2014

[…] learned many things. One was that originally, Advent was a penitential season, a lot like Lent. Another was that Saint Nicholas punched an Egyptian Bishop for saying that Jesus Christ […]


A remarkable gift

December 4, 2008

[…] your Advent time this year. For some centuries, the church treated Advent as a mini- Lent, with great focus on penance and contrition, purple vestments and a somber, even dour, […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Last Sunday in Epiphany (B) – 2021

January 22, 2021

[…] this opening of Psalm 50, God reveals Godself and God’s glory is not strictly si lent. God speaks and the earth is, the rising and the setting of the sun […]


Ash Wednesday: Return to me with all your heart

January 25, 2018

[…] others.  There is not justice for all.  In our fear we doubt the resurrection. This Lent, let us enter into a time and space of honest and unflinching examination.  We […]

Public Affairs

The Climate Change Crisis: watch, participate, engage

March 18, 2015

[…] Tweeting Climate Change Crisis: #EpiscopalForum Tweeting 30 Days of Action:  #Episcopal#30Days  Bulletin Insert here lent-b/ The forum There is no fee to view the live webcast. The webcast will […]

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