
Lectionary Cycle

Lectionary Cycle

[…] Year B, and Luke in Year C. The Gospel According to John is used during Lent and Easter, and on some Sundays in Year B, since Mark is shorter than […]

Public Affairs

House of Bishops issues pastoral letter

March 18, 2009

[…] what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have p lenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well fed […]


Text of Presiding Bishop's June 15 homily

June 15, 2006

[…] I was 15 years old, a priest who taught at the Episcopal school I attended lent me a small book by Evelyn Underhill entitled The Light of Christ. It contained […]

Youth Ministries

Lenten Devotions

November 6, 2014

[…] Kelly “Conversation with God” for Thursday after Ash Wednesday @d365 Journey to the Cross, a Lenten devotional series, is currently featured at Passport, Inc.’s devotional website through Easter Sunday, […]


Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News: Why Do We Care?

May 21, 2020

[…] tema divisivo (el aborto, las vacunas, el cambio climático y la ideología política son ejemplos exce lentes). Una campaña de desinformación eficaz se infiltraría en ambos lados, respaldando a los líderes […]

<mark class=Lenten Array" />

Lenten Array

Lenten array usually refers to a rough or homespun fabric. It may have an off-white color or it may be made without any dye. Lenten array may be decorated […]

Preface (Eucharistic)

Preface (Eucharistic)

[…] There are nine proper prefaces for seasons, including Advent, Incarnation, Epiphany, two proper prefaces for Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. There are ten proper prefaces for other occasions: […]


It's Time to Think About Summer

November 6, 2014

[…] conceived as a five-week series to be used in a mid-week program for children during Lent, but it can be adapted to other formats and uses, such as Sunday School […]


Just Downstairs: Lenten Meditation, 3/20/2013

March 20, 2013

[…] feel in your soul when you are in deep, connected conversation. By this point in Lent, I think that most of us are in a post-sleep fog. Cold season has […]

Sermons That Work

Proclaiming the Good News…, Epiphany 3 (A) – 2011

January 23, 2011

[…] repentance, which again is an echo of John the Baptist’s preaching and an anticipation of Lent. Repentance is often thought of as private, personal, nobody else’s business, between us and […]

Cyril of Jerusalem

Cyril of Jerusalem

[…] were given to candidates for baptism. In these lectures he explained the liturgical practices of Lent and Holy Week in fourth-century Palestinian Christianity. The Mystagogical Catecheses, which were lectures given […]


Striving for True Boldness

March 1, 2002

[…] peoples beyond our borders, or there may be no more world to satiate our unre lenting consumerism. Yes, boldness is what is called for, and courage. But, let us understand […]


Stepping Stones: Turn

April 23, 2019

[…] good and bad things happen to both good and bad people. In this season of Lent, we are often reminded of repentance. Repentance is not a dirty word. It comes […]

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