
Sermons That Work

For All the Saints, All Saints’ Day (A) – 1999

November 01, 1999

[…] commemoration of all faithful departed was celebrated in the Eastern churches on the Saturday before Lent. And in the eighth century, the Western Church, beginning in monastic communities, established November […]


Central Gulf Coast Men’s Fellowship Retreat

September 20, 2012

[…] it gets easier with practice and when we do it in community. The discipline of Lent, and of all Christian living, is about helping to shape habits for that way […]


Sermon for Holy Communion, Memphis, TN

March 8, 2009

[…] the reign of God. What security or certainty keeps you from picking up a cross? Lent is supposed to include self-denial, which is one reason this gospel turns up so […]


Diocese of Taiwan Convention

September 20, 2012

[…] comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones.  May this season of Lent bring a new willingness to see the suffering around us and embrace them.  That […]


Sermon for St. Christopher’s, Lubbock, TX

March 22, 2009

[…] up  showing up and being willing to be put to Gods work. The season of Lent is about developing our capacity for showing up, for turning toward the light. In […]

Calendar of the Church Year, The

Calendar of the Church Year, The

[…] the BCP, pp. 880-885. The date of Easter determines the beginning of the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday and the date of Pentecost on the fiftieth day of the […]

Youth Ministries

The challenge of patience

November 6, 2014

As we prepare for Ash Wednesday and our Lenten disciplines this week, I would like to request a moment of personal privilege in the blogosphere. Thank you for indulging me. […]


Redeemed by Faith: Lenten Meditation, 3/19/2013

March 19, 2013

[…] three things I love: God, my daddy and food – especially bacon! I also love Lent. It is my favorite church season, thus I devour anything related to keeping a […]


Christ Church Durham 350th Anniversary Sermon

April 10, 2011

[…] Church going to live in the midst of this change? We’re in the middle of Lent, a whole season of remembering what it means to die and rise again. The […]


On Baptism

May 1, 2001

[…] the Holy Name, but because it was the anniversary of my great-grandfather’s birth and also lent dignity and high purpose to a New Year’s Day party. How times have changed, […]

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