

EPPN Lenten Series: Engaging Poverty Through Housing

February 25, 2015

[…] about Jubilee Ministries   This is the second installment of the Episcopal Public Policy Network’s 2015 Lenten Series: “Engaging Poverty at Home and Around the World.” To receive these reflections to […]


The fast I choose: Drawn beyond preoccupation

February 5, 2005

[…] All of this puts me in mind of one of the classic disciplines of the Lenten season which we are now entering: fasting.  The exhortation in our Prayer Book calls […]

Sermons That Work

Youth Group Songs…, Proper 14 (B) – 2009

August 09, 2009

[…] or mandate from her mother – the girl decided that for the entire season of Lent she would only say things that would build others up. There were challenges; at […]

Sermons That Work

Our Refuge, Tuesday in Holy Week – 2022

April 24, 2022

[…] us and see it all as what it is – a gift. The season of Lent has, in some ways, been teaching us this. We began the season with Ash […]


2018 EPPN Advocacy Priorities

February 9, 2018

[…] will be releasing the Civil Discourse content available for personal reflections during the weeks of Lent. The curriculum is designed to help people better understand and practice civil discourse particularly […]

Sermons That Work

Green and Growing, Proper 5 (C) – 2016

June 05, 2016

[…] of the major feasts and the seasons that surround them – like Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter. Ordinary time, or the Sundays after Pentecost, are the Sundays in which […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Last Sunday After Epiphany (B) – 2015

February 15, 2015

[…] season of Epiphany, with its emphasis on miracles and the Good News of God’s kingdom, and the season of Lent, with its emphasis on Jesus’ journey to suffering and the cross?

united thank offering

Hope in the Midst of Adversity

February 4, 2019

[…] on the arrival of the Christ child. Soon, we will be entering the season of Lent, when we will focus our hearts and minds on Jesus as an adult who […]

united thank offering

Come and See

March 12, 2019

[…] wanted to talk a bit about Nazareth, especially since you’ll be reading this early in Lent. Nazareth was the first place we visited. It takes several hours by car to […]

Penitential Order

Penitential Order

[…] and Heb 4:14, 16. The Penitential Order may be used as an entrance rite during Lent or other times to emphasize the penitential aspect of the eucharist. The Penitential Order […]


Get Engaged with the Church in 2018!

January 5, 2018

[…] First, stay tuned for our upcoming curriculum on Civil Discourse being released as a series during Lent. We’re crafting a five-week curriculum to guide you in discussions about politics, policy, and […]

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