
united thank offering

Epiphany: Hope and Gratitude

January 4, 2022

[…] For others this break in time between the celebration of Christmas and the reflection of Lent is a welcome exhalation on the liturgical calendar and a beautiful reminder to notice […]

Quaerite Dominum

Quaerite Dominum

[…] BCP suggests its use at Morning Prayer on Fridays after the OT reading, except in Lent, and at Evening Prayer after the OT reading on Tuesdays (pp. 144-145). The Hymnal […]

Dehon, Theodore

Dehon, Theodore

[…] to the Prayer Book, introduced weekday feasts and fasts, and urged a special reverence for Lent and Holy Week. Dehon remained rector of St. Michael's during his episcopate. He died […]


Pillars of understanding

April 30, 2005

[…] The fourth pillar, fasting during the Month of Ramadan, is most like the season of Lent. However, refraining from eating and drinking during the daylight hours for one month makes […]

united thank offering

Come and See

March 12, 2019

[…] wanted to talk a bit about Nazareth, especially since you’ll be reading this early in Lent. Nazareth was the first place we visited. It takes several hours by car to […]

Great Litany, The

Great Litany, The

[…] or Evening Prayer, or separately. Because of its penitential tone, it is especially appropriate during Lent. The Great Litany includes an invocation of the Trinity; a series of deprecations which […]


Get Engaged with the Church in 2018!

January 5, 2018

[…] First, stay tuned for our upcoming curriculum on Civil Discourse being released as a series during Lent. We’re crafting a five-week curriculum to guide you in discussions about politics, policy, and […]


Immigration Advocacy Newsletter March-April 2014

April 7, 2014

[…] in the area, attend an event! Fast4Families may be ending the bus tour but the Lenten fast continues. Join the pledge to fast every Wednesday during the remaining season of […]

Gloria in Excelsis

Gloria in Excelsis

[…] is not used at the eucharist on the Sundays or ordinary weekdays of Advent or Lent (BCP, p. 406). The 1979 BCP uses the Gloria as canticle 20, “Glory to […]

Public Affairs


April 14, 2023

[…] names of holy days and feast days. Ash Wednesday, All Feasts of Apostles. Capitalize Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Eastertide, and Pentecost. Note lowercase in Epiphany season, season after Pentecost, ordinary time.  Capitalize Apostles’ Creed. […]


The Unknowable Kingdom: Lenten Meditation, 3/1/2013

March 1, 2013

[…] something vital and nourishing. But I also think there is another part of this passage. Lent is about Christ’s journey toward the cross, but it is also about taking time […]

Sermons That Work

A Tall Tale, Feast of the Epiphany – 2006

January 06, 2006

[…] just as you do. Ways in which he touched us, helped us, gave us jobs, lent us money, sold it to us wholesale. Lots of stories, big and small. They […]

Stokes, Olivia Egleston Phelps

Stokes, Olivia Egleston Phelps

[…] including Pine and Cedar: Bible Verses (1885), Forward in the Better Life (1915), and Saturday Nights in Lent (1922). Olivia died in Washington, D. C., and Caroline died in Redlands, California.

united thank offering

2020 Lenten Calendar Announced

February 10, 2020

[…] share some of those incredible stories with you again in this third year of the UTO Lenten Devotional Calendar! This calendar will introduce you to the recipients of the 2019 UTO […]


Manna surrounds us:

February 20, 2004

[…] lens for looking at the patterns of our lives. Wilderness is a theme of the Lenten season, and a symbol of the in-between place in which we find ourselves from […]

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