
Sermons That Work

Today’s Scripture Readings…, Easter 3 (C) – 2010

April 18, 2010

[…] and stories of hope. After all, we have just celebrated Easter – we’ve gone through Lent to the unlikeliest outcome imaginable: that we are, along with Christ, raised from the […]

united thank offering

Thank you for giving…and continuing to give

January 4, 2022

By Kathy Mank, UTO Board financial secretary Thank you, diocesan and parish coordinators who have held Ingatherings and have worked together in partnership. We give special thanks for our faithful […]

Sermons That Work

Today We Are Invited…, Ash Wednesday – 2007

February 21, 2007

[…] that grandmother’s oldest recipes may be helpful. For many people find the traditional disciplines of Lent as incomprehensible, as unapproachable, as her grandson once found those crumbling clippings. Consider today’s […]


EPPN Lenten Series Part 6: Spotlight on Jerusalem

April 9, 2014

[…] as Jesus’ earthly ministry found its climax in Jerusalem, so too has our journey through Lent and toward Holy Week led us there.   The status of Jerusalem is perhaps the […]


The fast I choose

January 31, 2005

[…] All of this puts me in mind of one of the classic disciplines of the Lenten season that we now are entering: fasting. The exhortation in our prayer book calls […]

Kyrie eleison

Kyrie eleison

[…] in excelsis in Rite 1 services. Some parishes use it during the penitential season of Lent. Kyrie eleison alternates with Christe eleison (“Christ have mercy”). The chant may be sung […]


EPPN Lenten Series Part 3: Spotlight on Borders

March 20, 2014

[…] by your Word you marvelously carry out the work of reconciliation: Grant that in our Lenten fast we may be devoted to you with all our hearts, and united with […]

united thank offering

Gratitude as the Pivot from Joy to Repentance

February 7, 2023

[…] joy of the season of Epiphany to the somber time of reflection and repentance during Lent. I had never really thought about it before, so sometimes abstaining from something makes […]


Diocese of Taiwan Convention

March 2, 2012

[…] comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones.  May this season of Lent bring a new willingness to see the suffering around us and embrace them.  That […]

Sermons That Work

Shame, Tuesday in Holy Week – 2020

April 07, 2020

[…] This is a necessary reminder – particularly now, as we get to the end of Lent. Lent is a season of self-examination, of repentance and renewal. But as we go […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Tuesday in Holy Week – 2020

April 7, 2020

[…] the trial. Temptations always come, but temptations thrive on our vulnerabilities and on our weaknesses. Lent offers the possibility for us to reflect on good times and to pile up […]

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