
Sermons That Work

Maybe You Saw the Movie…, Proper 8 (B) – 2006

July 02, 2006

[…] want to be known as simply the go-to guy when somebody’s sick, or you need bread and fish multiplied. Instead, he wants people to know him because of something yet […]


Easter Sunday

July 5, 2011

[…] not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Gospel: Luke 24:13-49 13Now on that same day two of […]

Sermons That Work

Lent: A Season for Dominance, Lent 1 (A) – 2020

March 01, 2020

[…] idea of dominance in the wilderness. He rejects the temptation to change the stones into bread. Likewise, he refuses to jump from the temple or bow down to Satan. Dominance […]


Easter Sunday

January 14, 2022

[…] not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Gospel: Luke 24:13-49 13Now on that same day two of […]

Sermons That Work

The Reading for Today…, Lent 1 (A) – 2005

February 13, 2005

[…] it literally. We don’t need to imagine Jesus picking up stones and turning them into bread. Matthew’s Gospel isn’t a diary of facts and figures. It’s all about Jesus’ mission […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Day of Pentecost (B) – 2021

April 20, 2021

[…] onto the Passover cup of redemption. He mapped his broken body onto the pure unleavened bread. He mapped his execution onto the slaying of the spotless Passover lamb. And he […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 5 (B) – 2021

February 8, 2021

[…] appears for only a fleeting moment in Genesis 14; he blesses Abram and gives him bread and wine when Abram passes through his city on a mission to rescue his […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Epiphany 5 (A) – 2014

February 9, 2014

[…] God in this manner.” It is in seeking justice today, in this world, and sharing bread that we are healed. It is in covering the naked and living a life […]


Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

August 3, 2011

[…] and go to bed so late; *        vain, too, to eat the bread of toil,        for he gives to his beloved sleep. 4 Children are […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Proper 12 (A) – 2011

July 24, 2011

[…] microorganism reproduces asexually, expanding uncontrollably? Or that it is a central ingredient in not only bread, but also alcohol (bringing to mind the Elements of the Eucharist)? The Kingdom of […]


Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

July 5, 2011

[…] the lamb that same night; they shall eat it roasted over the fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but […]


Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost

July 5, 2011

[…]    but the feeble gird on strength. 5 Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread,    but those who were hungry are fat with spoil. The barren has borne seven, […]


Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

July 5, 2011

[…] said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee away to the land of Judah, earn your bread there, and prophesy there; 13but never again prophesy at Bethel, for it is the king’s […]


Text of presiding bishop's orientation address

July 29, 2003

[…] be before us over these next ten days gives us an incredible indication of the breadth, and the depth, of our concerns as a church. And of course, not everyone […]


Voicing our darkest pain

February 1, 2006

[…] them to experience his presence in the opening of Scripture and the breaking of the bread. Christ continues to walk beside us in our times of darkness and loss, inviting […]

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