

Everyday Adventures: The Rev. Dr. Patricia Lyons

May 8, 2019

[…] it and wanted to talk about God. “Are you using that church fabric ‘cause it’s Lent?” (then his wife asked him, “What’s Lent?”) “….ours is a mutt, but…I haven’t gone […]


EAM Happenings – Summer 2021

August 4, 2021

[…] hard in contributing to the building of this country. In order to maintain harmony in the community, we have been si lent. We have been labeled a “model minority,” which has resulted in other communities of color being pit against […]


Lenten Series: Give It Away

March 15, 2016

[…] that our Creator made us to be … together.” Especially in these waning days of Lent, I see in Beloved Community the fruits of Lenten virtues like humility, simplicity and […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Tuesday in Holy Week – 2020

April 7, 2020

[…] the trial. Temptations always come, but temptations thrive on our vulnerabilities and on our weaknesses. Lent offers the possibility for us to reflect on good times and to pile up […]


Earth Day 2023 – Episcopal Church

April 1, 2023

[…] and a team of invited guests share prophetic voices and explore the readings for each Lent, Advent, and other holidays with a focus on race, truth, justice, and healing.  This […]

Sermons That Work

Shame, Tuesday in Holy Week – 2020

April 07, 2020

[…] This is a necessary reminder – particularly now, as we get to the end of Lent. Lent is a season of self-examination, of repentance and renewal. But as we go […]


Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery

August 10, 2016

[…] Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Looking At Columbus Day Through The Lens Of Our Baptismal VowsDownload Advent 2011: The Four Directions And MagnificatDownload Lent 2012: Seeking God’s Justice For AllDownload


Lenten Series: Breaking the Chains of Injustice

February 17, 2016

[…] when we focus on a piety that allows us to individually and collectively remain si lent in the face of injustice. Isaiah’s prophetic voice challenges us to choose a fast […]

Sermons That Work

This Is the Fourth…, Easter 4 (C) – 2001

May 06, 2001

[…] enlightened hope that this Son of God brings to Earth with his presence and teaching. Lent, the penitential season, is the logical result of our contact with this son of […]


Neighborhood Prayer Walks

April 1, 2016

[…] time. Epiphany: What places in your neighborhood shine brightly? Where do you still see darkness? Lent: Where does your neighborhood feel like wilderness? Where are the temptations? The Angels? Holy […]

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