
Mixed Chalice

Mixed Chalice

[…] Calvinist tradition. It was directed by the 1549 BCP but not mentioned in the 1552 Prayer Book. It is widely practiced now. It has been described as a sign of […]



[…] the power of our enemy by his glorious resurrection (BCP, pp. 170, 222, 295). Eucharistic Prayer B recalls that in these last days God the Father sent Jesus “to be […]

Public Affairs

EYE20 Registration now open for diocesan delegations

January 8, 2020

[…] Team chose this theme at their October meeting after considerable time in discussion, reflection, and prayer. The event speakers, preachers, and workshops will continue to be developed based on this […]

united thank offering

Changes to the 2025-2027 UTO Budget

October 24, 2023

[…] it had provided UTO in the past due to the large projected budget deficit.  Through prayerful discernment and reflecting on our goals, needs of members expressed through the member survey […]

Sermons That Work

The Same Story, Christmas 1 – 2019

December 29, 2019

[…] Jesus’ birth, and he writes from his theology, and from the holy imagination of his prayers. But he is still telling the same story—all three are talking about the same […]


Redefining “hybridization”

February 22, 2022

[…] creating one kind of church.  In some cases, we’ve even used the concept of “common prayer” as the rationale behind creating franchises rather than contextual church plants (such as the […]


Joseph Butler, Bishop and Theologian, 1752

May 20, 2016

The Collect: Rite I: O God, who dost raise up scholars for thy church in every generation; we praise thee for the wisdom and insight granted to thy bishop and theologian Joseph […]


Diocese of Taiwan Convention

March 2, 2012

  The lections for this sermon were Isa 49:5-13; Ps 67; Eph 3:1-12; Matt 16:24-27. Greetings from the rest of The Episcopal Church, who pray for you.  When Isaiah challenges […]


A letter from the House of Bishops to Congress

October 2, 2002

[…] of The Episcopal Church, USA, meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, want you to know of our prayers and support as you make this difficult decision, not just for our country, but […]


The Episcopal Church in Navajoland Copes with Rising Pandemic

June 25, 2020

[…] has reached out with food deliveries, home worship kits, check-ins on elders, and extensive on-line prayer and worship services. Through block grants and fundraising assistance, the Episcopal Church Center helps to support […]

Sermons That Work

When Cooks Attending Services…, Advent 3 (A) – 2010

December 12, 2010

[…] home afterward to stir up the fruity batter that had been fermenting in their kitchens for weeks, the prime ingredient for their Christmas plum puddings and fruitcakes. Although the reading […]

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