

A place of hope: Standing in the diverse center

October 29, 2002

[…] the desire to contain passionately held and divergent theological perspectives within a context of common prayer. This is perhaps why liturgy is so central to our Anglican identity. It is, […]

Sermons That Work

Americans Love Stories…, Easter 5 (B) – 2000

May 21, 2000

[…] who was moved by the Holy Spirit. God s Holy Spirit can guide us through prayer, informed Bible reading, the application of church teachings, and the witness of mature, committed, […]

Sermons That Work

The Visitation Selected Sermon

May 31, 1997

[…] further from what she has known and further and further into the unknown. From the daily round of village life, the future with Joseph, Mary moves out of the private […]


Navajoland Convocation

August 14, 2014

[…] alarm:  there is life falling away, come and help!  Stretch out your hand, offer your prayer, cast your net wide into the raging sea and whirling air – many are […]

Cranmer, Thomas

Cranmer, Thomas

[…] Catherine was null and void. As archbishop he was the author of the first Anglican Prayer Book (1549). He was the leader in moderate doctrinal reform as expressed in the […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Advent 1 (A) – 2016

November 27, 2016

[…] of it. A personal transformation should be seen. So to carry the cross in our daily lives means striving to “lay aside” every deed that is contrary to the character […]


Sermon for the Atlanta Annual Council

November 6, 2009

[…] needed the hope these Christians could bring. Local pastoral workers are leading Bible study and prayer classes with students twice a week, and ministering to 16 local families much in […]


Immigration Advocacy Newsletter March-April 2014

April 7, 2014

Immigration Advocacy Network Newsletter: March- April 2014     The House passes the punitive EN FORCE Act; the Administration pledges to review deportation practices; what is a discharge petition anyway?; […]

Sermons That Work

Powerless, Proper 9 (A) – 2023

July 09, 2023

[…] talking about in our epistle today. He says, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Easter 6 (B) – 2012

May 13, 2012

[…] former option won the day, as can be seen in our current Book of Common Prayer. However, this story in Acts flies in the face of the entire question. Here […]

Sermons That Work

What Should We Do?, Advent 3 (C) – 2018

December 17, 2018

[…] everyone. The Lord is near.” In the other two lessons, the prophet Zephaniah also calls for shouts of joy: “Sing aloud, O daughter Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and exult […]


Israeli-Palestinian conflict in focus as Presiding Bishops appeal to President

June 30, 2006

[…] that brings peace to Israelis and Palestinians. You, and your administration, are always in our prayers as you seek a way forward in these difficult times. Sincerely yours,                                                                The Most […]

united thank offering

November Gratitude Materials

November 1, 2022

[…] later this month. You can find all of them here. Journal for Individuals (Also available daily on UTO’s Facebook and Instagram) This year, the focus for our November journal is […]


The Presiding Bishop’s Statement on East Timor

September 14, 1998

[…] Timor, which is a partner of the Uniting Church in Australia. Please join me in prayer and take such action as your conscience dictates in response to this latest act […]

Sermons That Work

Freedom of Choice, Advent 4 (B) – 2008

December 21, 2008

[…] way of life. She would give birth to the one, in the words of our Prayer Book, “in whose service is perfect freedom.” The name of Mary’s baby was Jesus. […]

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