
Sermons That Work

Earth Day Selected Sermon

April 22, 1997

[…] all things in heaven and on earth were created (Colossians 1: 15 – 20.) A Prayer O God, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living things, even […]


Bulletin Insert: Your Guide to the DFMS, Part 6 – July 7, 2024

June 11, 2024

[…] in the baptismal covenant, the Office of Global Partnerships provides connections, resources, and opportunities for prayer, companionship, and advocacy to strengthen the church’s global mission engagement in our relationships with […]

Dawley, Powel Mills

Dawley, Powel Mills

[…] Its Work (1955), Vol. 6 of the first “Church's Teaching Series”; The Religion of the Prayer Book (1943); and The Story of the General Theological Seminary: A Sesquicentennial History, 1817-1967 […]

Youth Ministries

Resources for Ministry After a Disaster

November 6, 2014

[…] When Waters Roar and Foam. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America offers a number of prayers and hymn suggestions in the aftermath of “Sandy.” The Presbyterian Mission Agency offers instruction […]


Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

July 5, 2011

[…] known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace […]

Sermons That Work

It Is A Hard Job…, Proper 17 (A) – 2011

August 28, 2011

[…] we come to church fairly often, put in a pledge, mutter a few familiar night-time prayers, and only occasionally feel a tug of conscience that perhaps God wants more of […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Proper 11 (B) – 2018

July 22, 2018

[…] How do you feel about diversity in the church? What can we do in our daily lives to express our unity in Christ? What can we do to encourage peace […]

Neau, Elias

Neau, Elias

[…] Trinity Church. The chief factor in his becoming an Episcopalian was his regard for the Prayer Book. Neau's school for slaves met in the belfry of Trinity Church and later […]

Sermons That Work

Out of All Nations…, Proper 6 (A) – 2005

June 12, 2005

[…] as Jesus asked. They prayed for more laborers to go into the harvest and their prayers were answered. They became the laborers. They became the ministers, and not assistant ministers […]

Sermons That Work

St. Michael and All Angels Selected Sermon

September 29, 1997

[…] We are called to join the heavenly battle which does exist, and must be enjoined daily, in all our choices. And like Nathaniel, we will be known, seen and shown […]


The Calling

February 3, 2012

[…] in organizing everything. We sat down and had a meeting, and after much time in prayer the women were asked to think of people to nominate. Being the youngest of […]

Sermons That Work

Pearls and Grit, Easter 7 (B) – 2021

May 16, 2021

[…] The Gospel we just heard is a portion of what is called the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. The time is “the night in which he was betrayed.” Jesus is […]

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