
Public Affairs

JNCPB report includes updates

January 29, 2015

[…] process, the candidates, their families and dioceses, and the members of the JNCPB in your prayers. The JNCPB is comprised of a lay member, a priest or deacon, and a […]

united thank offering

Christmas Cards

October 4, 2021

[…] President We don’t know about you, but we are beginning to think about (and budget for) Christmas presents for those we love. One of the things we’ve realized is that […]

Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The

Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The

[…] was named and circumcised. He was “called Jesus, the name given by the angel be fore he was conceived in the womb” (Lk 2:21). Under the Law of Moses, all […]


Seventh Sunday of Easter

July 5, 2011

[…] Amen. First Lesson: Acts 16:16-34 16One day, as we were going to the place of prayer, we met a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her […]

Metrical Psalter

Metrical Psalter

[…] sixteen were from other sources. The BCP allows use of metrical versions of the invitatory psalms and of the canticles after the readings at Morning and Evening Prayer (BCP, p. 141).


Bloody July

July 26, 2016

[…] of lives due to violence is a moral outrage and calls for a time of prayer, lament, and much more, from the “sanctuary to the street,” in the words of […]

Sermons That Work

Engaging with Scripture, Proper 28 (C) – 2019

November 17, 2019

[…] about Monday through Saturday? The Church has long given testimony to the transformative power of daily Bible reading. Mark: We are encouraged to mark the Scriptures. This does not mean […]


Lent 2 – Tuesday- Chapel of the Good Shepherd

April 2, 2014

[…] Building up, raising up the fallen, is the work of all liturgy – in the daily work of people in the world as well as in communities gathered for worship.  […]


Statement on the Middle East Conflict

March 6, 2002

[…] who share the patrimony of Abraham as Jews, Christians and Muslims. This is my earnest prayer. The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold XXV Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church, […]

Sermons That Work

We Are In Many Ways…, Proper 11 (B) – 2009

July 19, 2009

[…] lives. In our work lives, people speak of being tired of the rat race, the daily grind, or climbing the corporate ladder. In our political lives, people are tired of […]

united thank offering

Gratitude Gone Wrong: A Lesson In Being Thanked

May 5, 2021

[…] stop us from giving thanks. Our faith is rooted around the Eucharist, which uses a prayer called The Great Thanksgiving — practicing gratitude is at the core of who we […]

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