
Public Affairs

Reclaiming Jesus Leaders Call Nation to Repentance

March 6, 2019

As many in the Christian faith begin to observe Lent, the Reclaiming Jesus elders are renewing their call to Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and engage with the […]


Rhythms of Prayer: Lenten Meditation, 3/7/2013

March 7, 2013

Daniel 6:10-16 By: Margaret Ellsworth Photo By Aaron Wolpert Last year for Lent, I didn’t give something up, but took something on instead: praying the Daily Office. That is, I set […]

Sermons That Work

Good News in the Ashes, Ash Wednesday – 2015

February 18, 2015

[…] It’s more than just habit or duty – somehow more than just the beginning of Lent. What we say and what we do on this special Wednesday has power. A […]


Pass the syrup — it’s Shrove Tuesday!

February 12, 2018

[…] a day of indulging in the rich, fatty foods that were traditionally abstained from during Lent. Making pancakes was a way to use up butter, milk, sugar and eggs before […]


Ash Wednesday Sermon

March 9, 2011

  We stand at the beginning of Lent, reminded that we are dust and that we shall return to dust at the last.  The people of Haiti know something about […]


Finding our way

December 1, 2004

[…] both sides of the road. Carved pumpkins sat on some of the doorsteps, and chrysanthemums lent a blaze of autumn color. In the midst of this tranquil setting, what most […]


2019 Ash Wednesday Devotion

March 6, 2019

[…] Reverend Carl Walter Wright My dear Chaplain Colleagues: As we enter the sacred Season of Lent 2019, please allow me a few very personal words. I come to this time […]


Lenten Devotional Focuses on Hunger, Healing

November 6, 2014

Episcopal Relief & Development’s tenth annual Lenten Meditations booklets are now available in English and Spanish.  PDF booklets and other Lenten resources can be found on Episcopal Relief & Development’s website at, and […]

Sermons That Work

Listening for God, Last Sunday in Epiphany (C) – 2016

February 07, 2016

[…] sorts, as the liturgical calendar moves from the season after Epiphany to the season of Lent. Our praise-filled shouts of “Alleluia!” will give way to Lent’s solemn petition, “Lord have […]


Featured Resource

March 10, 2021

[…] Featured Resources A Year in the Way of Love Amid a rapidly changing and turbu lent world, the church can often lose sight of its reason for existing. Long-established traditions […]

Sermons That Work

So. How Do You Feel…, Easter Day (A) – 2011

April 24, 2011

[…] So. How do you feel? In the words of the Easter Vigil, “now that our Lenten observance is ended,” are you greeting with great joy and enthusiasm the Paschal mystery, […]


A Lenten Message

March 4, 2001

For many of us Lent is a dreary and lugubrious season to be filled with self-discipline, and self-scrutiny, only to be relieved by the alleluias of Easter. And yet, one […]


Image Galleries

October 15, 2019

[…] Ashes to Go Baptism Beauty of Winter Blessing of the Animals Christmas Easter Holy Week Lent Ministry at Work Parish Life Pentecost Shrove Tuesday / Mardi Gras Thanksgiving Worship & […]

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