
Sermons That Work

I Recently Went to See…, Epiphany 2 (B) – 1997

January 26, 1997

[…] Lord.” There must be countless people that you and I know or encounter on a daily basis who are looking for the love, joy, peace, hope, forgiveness, and salvation of […]

united thank offering

2017 Ingathering

April 4, 2018

[…] increases, we give thanks for all of the new UTO members, reenergized members, and diehard daily gratitude practitioners. Here are some notes about the 2017 Ingathering: The total Ingathering is […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Trinity Sunday (A) – 2020

June 7, 2020

[…] exploring how these different aspects of Christian life – baptism, the Bible, Eucharist, worship, and prayer – play out as people who are connected to many other systems. Jesus tells […]

Youth Ministries

Still Fine Tuning the EYE14 Registration Process

November 6, 2014

[…] interest that we continue the fine-tuning of our registration process before we go live. We are ever so close to being ready and appreciate your prayers, patience, and cooperation. Faithfully, Bronwyn


The Short-term Mission Trip as Pilgrimage

January 9, 2019

For twenty years or so, I have had the incredible privilege of being a part of short-term mission trips, both through helping to host and facilitate these trips as […]

Sermons That Work

Names, Holy Name Day – 2018

January 02, 2018

[…] been given an audacious name. The Catechism in older versions of the Book of Common Prayer used to begin with this question: “What is your Name?” After saying your name, […]


St. Jude’s, Bangao, Philippines

February 13, 2012

[…] Islands, as well as the United States.  We have been known as the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society since the early 1800s and we continue to try to live into […]


Staying Connected

November 11, 2016

[…] of Teaching Young Adult Service Corps Episcopal Service Corps Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers d365, daily devotionals Society of Campus Ministers is a society of Campus Ministers, lay and ordained, working […]

Sermons That Work

Last December…, Proper 7 (C) – 2007

June 24, 2007

[…] be followed. He illustrated our union with and through Christ by playing off a common prayer of Jewish men of his day: “Thank you Lord, for not making me a […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Proper 27 (B) – 2018

November 11, 2018

[…] brings the love of God and of her neighbor, or the gifts of faith and prayer; which are looked upon as mites in their own insignificance, but measured by the […]

Sermons That Work

Seeds and Soil, Proper 10 (A) – 2020

July 12, 2020

[…] cycle of sowing begins again. God’s abundant love sees to that. We go about our daily business, living in faithfulness in God’s abundance and being sowers among those we encounter. […]


Sermon at St. Ann's 150th Anniversary, Nashville, TN

June 27, 2009

[…] like Thomas a Kempis, like the pastoral leaders here, who keep calling you back to prayer. That’s where the warm, moist breath enters, that turns fossilizing bones into flesh-covered ones. […]


EPPN Alert: Lent – Bullying

June 4, 2013

[…] herself. Unfortunately, this is the short version of a true story. Thousands of young persons daily suffer this or other forms of physical, verbal, emotional and mental abuse for reasons […]

Sermons That Work

Several Years Ago Now…, Epiphany 5 (A) – 1996

February 04, 1996

[…] which leads only to despair and confusion. Today’s passage is a portion of the “ Prayer of Habakkuk,” a psalm meant to be sung with the accompaniment of stringed instruments […]

4971 records