
Sermons That Work

Full of Grace and Truth, Christmas 1 – 2008

December 28, 2008

[…] supported the shelter had dried up, and the place that many relied on for a daily meal was faced with imminent closure. A local rabbi came by to see the […]

Public Affairs

General Convention 2018 draft schedule announced

February 7, 2017

[…] 5. On that day, the opening Eucharist will be held at 9:15 am. After that, daily worship is slated for the conclusion of each day’s session. The major Eucharist with […]

Sermons That Work

Feast of the Holy Cross Selected Sermon

September 14, 1997

[…] each individual Christian to lift high up the cross in his or her ministry in daily life. As we seek to lift up the cross in our ministries, we are […]

Didache, The

Didache, The

[…] Death.” The second part is a manual of instructions about baptism, the eucharist, fasting, and prayer. Baptism is to be by immersion. Baptism can be done by threefold affusion if […]

Sermons That Work

Southern California Is a Maze…, Proper 10 (A) – 2011

July 10, 2011

Southern Cali fornia is a maze of concrete freeways: two lanes, four lanes, eight lanes, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, special-use lanes, bus lanes, peak-hour reversible-direction lanes, and more. A literal maze […]


Meet an Evangelist: The Rev. Kate Wesch

January 15, 2018

[…] out, bearing witness to Christ in this world. Where do you see Jesus in your daily life and work? I see Jesus every time I turn around, reflected in the […]

Sermons That Work

Whom Ought I Welcome?, Proper 8 (A) – 2017

July 02, 2017

[…] to disagree on some aspects of American policy as we live our Christian faith in daily practice. Christian people are called to be welcoming, for in welcoming others we welcome […]


Pressing On: Lenten Meditation, 3/17/2013

March 17, 2013

[…] faith.” During that time, staying engaged in a community, engaged with the scriptures, engaged in prayer, became hard work. And yet, away at school, in the stillness of what felt […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Proper 16 (C) – 2019

August 25, 2019

[…] God, what might they inspire you to ask for—even demand as the psalmist does—in your prayer? Hebrews 12:18-29 From the tangible weight of Psalm 71’s metaphors we move to the […]


Nicole Seiferth

November 10, 2014

[…] involved in. They’ll be happy to see you. And, oh, as the editor of our daily YAF newsletter, be sure to take photos while you’re there, too, please! Travel safe […]



[…] Apostolic Tradition continues to be highly valued and influential in contemporary liturgical studies. It is frequently cited in Marion J. Hatchett’s Commentary on the American Prayer Book (1980). See Church Orders.


Health Update on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

January 9, 2024

[…] become available. Please hold Bishop Curry, his family, and his whole medical team in your prayers. Read all health updates. Español Actualización sobre la salud del obispo primado Michael Curry […]


Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

July 5, 2011

[…] be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. 13Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. 14Bless those who persecute you; […]


The wisdom of little people

January 6, 2016

[…] wisdom of the little people I watch. They really are wise little people. On our daily drive down the dirt road, Pheliswa, a third grader, and I talked about many […]

Sermons That Work

Absalom Jones

February 13, 2003

[…] members increased, their presence was no longer welcomed. One Sunday morning, in the middle of prayer at the altar rail, a trustee demanded that Absalom and the other black congregants […]


United Methodists and Episcopalians Convene in Chicago

October 9, 2018

[…] future as our churches continue to work towards unity. The committee also called for continued prayers for the United Methodist Church’s Special General Conference February 23-26, 2019 in Saint Louis—which will be deliberating […]

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