
Sermons That Work

How Can These Things Be?, Lent 2 (A) – 2014

March 16, 2014

[…] if I tell you about heavenly things?” This is a question to meditate upon throughout Lent, a daily discipline in the dark of night that can lead us to the […]


Go! for Lent: Luke 10:25-37

March 15, 2016

[…] our ideas about who is “other” or worthy or useful to God’s restoration project. This Lent, I’m drawn to a different point in the passage: Jesus’ final words to the […]


Go! for Lent: Matthew 28:19-20

February 22, 2016

Go, Baptize, Teach, Remember. These two verses are called by Christians “The Great Commission “. It catches my attention that it seems to be backwards. Usually we don’t go anywhere, […]


Bulletin Insert: Lent 1 (B) – Creation Care Grants – February 21, 2021

February 14, 2021

The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is now accepting applications for its 2021 Grant Cycle. Created by the 2018 General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is charged with supporting and expanding The Episcopal Church’s loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with Creation. That year, the General Convention allocated funds to this task force to support local and regional eco-ministry efforts. This is the second and final granting process for this Task Force during this triennium.

Sermons That Work

Rise and Anoint Him…, Lent 4 (A) – 2005

March 06, 2005

Rise and anoint him; for this is the one. 1 Sam. 16:12 Remember that survey course of English literature you took back in high school or college? You probably used […]

Sermons That Work

The Reading for Today…, Lent 1 (A) – 2005

February 13, 2005

The reading for today from Matthew’s Gospel is an odd bit of Scripture, isn’t it? This particular passage is full of images. They’re very vivid images, so vivid that we […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 1 (B) – 2012

February 26, 2012

Genesis 9:8-17 This passage, in its historical context, most likely served more as a folkloristic explanation for the appearances of rainbows than as a covenant story. Other such texts that […]

Sermons That Work

Today We Continue…, Lent 5 (B) – 2006

April 02, 2006

Today we continue to draw closer to the week of the Passion of Jesus. Our scripture lessons focus on the passion he experiences as he moves toward the trial before […]


Go! for Lent: Luke 4:18-19

February 16, 2016

I was born and raised an Episcopalian. I never imagined I would choose the streets of an inner-city as a place to proclaim Christ. I never thought I’d regularly enter […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 5 (B) – 2012

March 25, 2012

Jeremiah 31:31-34 Jeremiah offers this vision of hope for future after the temple in Jerusalem has been destroyed, the King of Judah has been taken away, and many of the […]

Sermons That Work

Many of Us Hearing…, Lent 5 (A) – 2008

March 09, 2008

[…] or bound in chains, what can we learn? Above all, we can recall, as our Lenten discipline reminds us, that we, too, are often subjugated by strong powers – the […]


Go! for Lent: Matthew 26:18

March 15, 2016

“Go.” “Go into the city.” “Go into the city to a certain man.” Go into the city to a certain man, and say.” Jesus sent two of his disciples into […]


Go! for Lent: John 14:2-3

March 15, 2016

Each Holy Week,  as I read the scriptures leading to Gethsemane, the Last Supper, and inevitably the cross,  I am aware of Jesus’ care for those who have been with […]


EPPN Alert:: Lent: – Border Violence

March 1, 2013

[…] as evidence that further militarization of our southern border must be the first step. This Lenten season, however, as we reflect upon the intersection of violence and public responsibility, and […]


Go! for Lent: John 16:28

March 15, 2016

One of the gifts of pondering my discipleship as part of the Jesus Movement is the opportunity to reflect on the ways in which I move in Jesus’ name. To […]


Go! for Lent: Genesis 27:3-4

February 24, 2016

Growing up, I always marveled at my mother’s gift of blessing everyone she ran into. It was like she owned the words “Dios te bendiga.” She was the one who […]


Go! for Lent: John 16:7

March 15, 2016

“It is good for me to go away.” We so often want Jesus to stay with us, right here and now. We are comfortable in familiar places with the familiar […]

Sermons That Work

I’m Only Human…, Lent 1 (A) – 1996

February 25, 1996

“I’m only human!” The last line of defence for those accused of errors in checkbook mathematics, misplacing the car keys, forgetting an evening meeting, overshooting the exit from the highway, […]

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