
Pascha nostrum (Christ our Passover)

Pascha nostrum (Christ our Passover)

[…] used as an invitatory anthem in Easter Week at Morning Prayer. It may be used daily in the Easter season until Pentecost (BCP, pp. 46, 83). This canticle is one […]

Order of Worship <mark class=for the Evening, An" />

Order of Worship for the Evening, An

[…] in much of western Christianity as the monastic hours of prayer replaced the ancient congregational daily services (also known as cathedral offices). The 1979 BCP is the first Prayer Book […]

Sermons That Work

The Scene in Matthew, Proper 20 (A) – 2008

September 21, 2008

[…] those days was just enough to feed one’s family. The issue then is one of daily bread. Just like manna in the Exodus narrative. Just as in the prayer Jesus […]

Sermons That Work

This Is the Time of Year…, Proper 20 (C) – 2001

September 23, 2001

[…] was a year when everyone learned something more about praying, the connection of prayer to daily life and work. Learning about prayer deepens our relationship with God and lays a […]


Lenten Resources

November 6, 2014

[…] on creating economic opportunities and strengthening communities, with a particular focus on empowering women. The daily readings are co-authored by a group of leaders from across the Anglican Communion, who […]

Public Affairs

Episcopal Church offers Lenten resources, meditations

February 8, 2013

[…] is here The text of the Presiding Bishop’s Lent Message is here and in Spanish here   Daily Lenten Offerings from young adults are here   Episcopal Relief & Development 2013 […]


Presiding Bishop’s Message for Easter 2008

March 11, 2008

[…] life — eggs, flowers, new green growth. As the Easter season continues, consider how your daily living can be an act of greater life for other creatures. How can you […]

Sermons That Work

Repentance and Reconciliation, Lent 4 (C) – 2022

March 27, 2022

[…] manna to manna, paycheck to paycheck, hopeful and trusting that food would emerge temporarily and daily from the earth as they had in the desert, the nation of Israel now […]

Office Hymn

Office Hymn

An office hymn has formed a part of the Daily Offices of western Christians since the time of St. Ambrose in the fourth century. Ambrose is credited with beginning the […]

Sermons That Work

Remember, Ash Wednesday – 2006

March 01, 2006

[…] sign of the cross, and we were “marked as Christ’s own for ever.” In our daily prayers we cross ourselves in the name of the Trinity. And as we approach […]

Invitatory Psalm

Invitatory Psalm

[…] of Nursia (c. 480-c. 540) called for Ps 95 and an antiphon to be sung daily as the first psalm of Matins. The Jubilate was used as an invitatory psalm […]


Small Groups

June 25, 2020

[…] images, children will see how to Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest in daily life as a follower of Jesus. Acquiring such wisdom at an early age will […]

150 records