
Sermons That Work

The Word Is Near You…, Lent 1 (C) – 2010

February 21, 2010

[…] receiving a cross of ashes on our forehead or on our heart to begin the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday calls upon our humanity. It reminds us that we are but […]

Sermons That Work

Fear of the Dark, Lent 4 (B) – 2012

March 18, 2012

[…] In it she said, “We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, ta lented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of […]


Go! for Lent: Isaiah 58:6-9

February 18, 2016

[…] work because their commitment to Christ demands it. They refine and use their God-given ta lents to help build up the Kingdom; they are sharing their bounty, bringing in the […]


Go! for Lent: Genesis 8:15-9:3

February 12, 2016

[…] rest between a phone booth and a utility pole. Since it was the beginning of Lent, I had been on my way to church. So, I used the phone in […]


Go! for Lent: Luke 14:23

February 13, 2016

[…] our comfort zone to go and be servants; that means to devote our God-given ta lents, treasures and gifts and passion to share and proclaim the love of Jesus. We […]

Sermons That Work

Change Reading to…, Lent 2 (A) – 2002

February 24, 2002

[…] believed that God loves us with a sacrificial love that makes us worth dying for? Lent is a time to rethink our lives, seeing our past and future through the […]

Kyrie Pantokrator

Kyrie Pantokrator

[…] in some Greek versions of the Hebrew Scriptures. The BCP suggests it for use in Lent at Morning Prayer on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday and at Evening Prayer on Monday. […]


EPPN Alert: Lent – Bullying

June 4, 2013

Imagine the following scenario: An anonymous adult man blackmails a young teenage girl after she makes the mistake of posting revealing pictures of herself on the internet. As a result […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 1 (B) – 2021

January 25, 2021

[…] by proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. This mirrors our experience in Lent. As we begin our forty days of fasting and repentance, the lectionary readings remind […]

Sermons That Work

One Driver Sticks…, Lent 3 (B) – 2009

March 15, 2009

[…] his workforce followed. Emulating this would be a good way for Christians to amplify their Lenten disciplines – setting priorities and following them rigorously. This might free us from the […]

Sermons That Work

Who Hasn’t Been Impressed…, Lent 1 (B) – 2006

March 05, 2006

[…] the waters of baptism, we are marked as Christ’s own forever. For many Christians, our Lenten journey now underway will end at the baptismal font, where we will once again […]

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Lent 2 (C) – 2019

March 17, 2019

Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 At issue for so many of us is the question of our legacy – what will become of us. It is a question that often presumes life beyond […]

Sermons That Work

Digging into Our Certainty, Lent 2 (A) – 2017

March 12, 2017

[…] heard in the place where the ruined house once stood. In the midst of this Lenten journey, may we allow our doubts and questions to dig into our certainty. May […]

Sermons That Work

I Will Put My Law…, Lent 5 (B) – 2003

April 06, 2003

[…] God, and they shall be my people. As we head toward the end of our Lenten season, we see God doing familiar things in new and disturbing ways. The People […]

Sermons That Work

Trust in God’s Love, Lent 3 (A) – 2017

March 19, 2017

[…] God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.” Amen. Sermon-English- Lent-3A-2017Download The following books by John Knox (1900-1990) are especially significant in dealing with the […]

Sermons That Work

Crooked Little Heart, Lent 3 (C) – 2013

March 03, 2013

[…] truth, except for one little girl. “He’s not wearing any clothes!” She exclaimed. This is Lent, the Christian season of Uncomfortable Truth, and your nakedness is being discussed openly. Even […]

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